Thursday, May 21, 2020
History And The New Testament Scriptures - 1453 Words
Critical Paper: Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures To recognize Him who is speaking (Heb. 12:25) this is key. Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures (RHNTS) illuminates us in God’s message of the NT as part of the redemptive work of Christ and thereby has complete authority from Christ. Nevertheless, the revealed light stands against the darkness that opposes it. Canon Authority Ridderbos’ had to defend against common fallacies of his time. This meant disproving the subjective interpretations, popular existential thought, and canon hermeneutics based on historical investigation. To have an objective, unchanging, non existential Scripture we cannot use any external metric upon the canon. This includes granting validation from experiences of believers as a measure. Ridderbos defines redemptive history and Scripture as the only rules or measures. Next, Ridderbos illustrates how the commissioning of the apostles is redemptive history, being sent by and with the Holy Spirit. The apostles had exclusive unrepeatable authority from Christ by which they performed the writing of the canon with the subsequent formation and closing of the canon. Misinformed individuals may think that the church received and approved the canon. The canon proved itself and forced the churches worldwide to accept it, this was not without struggle between acce pting books of the canon and those churches that accepted them first. Ecclesiastical authority is theShow MoreRelatedPreaching Christ From The Old Testament1137 Words  | 5 PagesPREACHING CHRIST FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT In Preaching Christ from the Old Testament , author Sidney Greidanus offers a contemporary hermeneutical model for preaching Christ centered sermons from Old Testament Scriptures. 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