Monday, August 24, 2020
To what extent was an outdated monarchy the cause of 1789 French Revolution Essays
What exactly degree was an obsolete government the reason for 1789 French Revolution Essays Whatever degree was an obsolete government the reason for 1789 French Revolution Essay Whatever degree was an obsolete government the reason for 1789 French Revolution Essay Exposition Topic: History At the hour of the 1789 French Revolution, Louis XVI was the King and leader of the supreme government in France. All through Louis rule of 1774 to 1792, it was the period of Enlightenment. Europe was radically evolving socially, strategically and socially. The French were not participating in the edified change and got obsolete to the point that the bourgeoisie manufactured a spring of gushing lava, and were so restless for change that an upset emitted. The ancien r㠯⠿â ½gime alludes to the pre-progressive social and administrative system.i The administration framework was a flat out government and because of its incomparable control over France, it was basic that the ruler be firm and secure. Louis XVI was rude to the ancien r㠯⠿â ½gime as he was flimsy, uncertain and a substantial consumer which may have added to his poor love life and stoutness. Louis XVIs execution as a lord made a temperamental monarchy.ii The shortfall was a record of awful government.iii Political and Social Inequalities were still regular in France as they despite everything rehearsed the primitive framework in the eighteenth century. There were three social classes known as homes. The nobles and the ministry made up the initial two bequests and were the most extravagant in France; anyway they were absolved from charges and were they just individuals that could appreciate places of significance. This caused an extraordinary level of dissatisfaction inside the bourgeoisie as they buckled down and needed to cover charges. The bourgeoisie was the third home in France, everybody other than the honorability was in this class. From the viewpoint of the bourgeoisie, this framework was a problem.iv The Influence of the Enlightenment was additionally a contributing component to the upheaval. The thoughts and compositions of the edification masterminds like Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau got boundless. The French individuals were propelled for change regardless of whether they needed to conflict with their king.v The greatest factor adding to the insurgency was monetarily related. The immediate reason for the Revolution was the disordered condition of government The administration was confused because of an obsolete government. The financial wasteful aspects were an outcome from the assessment framework, awful harvests, and unrestrained spending by Louis XIV and Louis XV in the years prior.vii The fundamental confusion was that the respectability, with all the cash, would not like to settle charge, while the bourgeoisie, with no cash needed to pay a great deal of duty which was insufficient to take care of the administration spending plan. This had incredible ramifications for Louis XVI and his administration which became bankrupt.viii Louis XVIs France was edgy for budgetary assistance so he called the Estates-General in May 1789, its first gathering since 1614. Louis XVI assembled the conference principally to address the monetary emergency in France and was not anticipating losing capacity to anybody. The bourgeoisie controlled the Third Estate and immediately perceived that they would consistently be constrained by the honorability, who were two of the three bequests, both the respectability and the clergy.ix In the event that the administration, stopping the discussions that emerged between the requests, had gone to the guide of the ordinary people before they had taken in their own quality; if, from the principal days, its impact shared obliged the requests to consider for all intents and purpose, it is likely thatthe work of the Assembly could never have been affected during its entire course by the provocative environment of a people in a condition of revolution;the consequence of the work would have been a trade off among the different gatherings, another game plan of what existed rather that a total reshaping.x When the bourgeoisie saw a bit of how Louis XVI was running their nation and how the class where the bourgeoisie lived was dealt with, they quickly looked for after change. Accordingly, the Third Estate left the array and built up the National Assembly, asserting to genuinely speak to the individuals of France, and therefore starting the French Revolution.xi During this time, the bourgeoisie were treated with complete dismissal from the legislature other than their administration as citizens. Louis XIV administered without plan of action to the cooperation of a solitary bourgeois.xii All components identified with the reason for the 1789 French Revolution can be credited to the way that the French government was oblivious, avaricious, and just got things done to their own advantage. Along these lines of reasoning was obsolete during the Enlightenment and prompted the social, financial and political issues. Hence it very well may be presumed that the expansion of the obsolete government as a reason for the insurgency was not a basic reason all alone, it was the single substance that gave a source to the various reasons for the French Revolution. It is clear that in France before the unrest nothing was controlled in any exact way, neither the privileges of the crown nor those of the individuals, nor those of the courts; that the nobility had a lot of effect on the administration; that individual freedom was much of the time presented to encroachment by different self-assertive specialists; that political freedom was totally deficient with regards to; that the real intensity of the ruler, of the sort important to the open government assistance, was not solidly enough settled; that the protests of the parlements, anyway helpful, being loaded with hazardous proverbs and frequently written in a threatening tone, were by degrees accustoming the subject to lose all regard for the thronexiii Europe was changing while in France it was as though the government fell such a great amount in adoration with itself that it didnt think or look before acting and got itself pregnant, bringing forth a French Revolution.. The enabled in France were not keen on a superior nation for their kin; they needed more cash and more force which added to a contrary outcome. The majority were worn out on taking care of the government their well deserved cash and time; they needed opportunity during a period concentrating on simply that: the right to speak freely.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Accounting information system Essay Example for Free
Bookkeeping data framework Essay An element relationship (ER) outline is a documentation method used to speak to the connection between elements. Elements are physical assets (vehicles, money, or in-ventory), occasions (requesting stock, accepting money, transporting merchandise), and specialists (sales rep, client, or seller) about which the association wishes to catch information. One regular use for ER charts is to demonstrate an organization’s database, which we look at in detail in Chapter 9. Figure 2-14 shows the image set utilized in an ER outline. The square image speaks to elements in the framework. The named associating line speaks to the idea of the connection between two substances. The level of the relationship, called cardinality, is the numerical mapping between substance occurrences. A relationship can be balanced (1:1), one-to-many (1:M), or many-to-many (M:M). 2 If we consider substances in the ER chart as documents of records, cardinality is the greatest number of records in a single record that are identified with a solitary record in the other record and the other way around. Cardinality reflects ordinary business controls just as hierarchical arrangement. For example, the 1:1 cardinality in the main model in Figure 2-14 recommends that every sales rep in the association is alloted one car. See more: Unemployment issues and arrangements article On the off chance that rather the organization’s strategy were to appoint a solitary car to at least one salespersons who share it, this approach would be reflected by a 1:M relationship. So also, the M:M connection among merchant and stock in Figure 2-14 suggests that the association purchases a similar sort of items from at least one sellers. An organization approach to purchase specific things from a solitary merchant would be reflected by a 1:M cardinality. Framework fashioners recognize substances and set up a model of them, like the one introduced in Figure 2-15. This information model is the outline for what at last willa
Saturday, July 18, 2020
What Are the Signs of a Midlife Crisis
What Are the Signs of a Midlife Crisis Happiness Print What Are the Signs of a Midlife Crisis? Midlife can be the unhappiest time in a persons life By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD on November 10, 2019 facebook twitter linkedin Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments. Learn about our Medical Review Board Carly Snyder, MD Updated on February 24, 2020 More in Self-Improvement Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All In This Article Table of Contents Expand Are Midlife Crises Real? Emotional Crisis Signs Why a Crisis May Occur Midlife Happiness Slump Crisis vs. Depression Crisis vs. Dementia Positive Aspect When to Get Help How to Help a Loved One View All Back To Top People who are having a midlife crisis are thought to be struggling with their own mortality and, somewhere during midlife, they ditch some of their responsibilities in favor of fun. Thats why the term midlife crisis often causes people to picture mistresses and sports cars. It’s thought that aging leads to feelings of depression, remorse, and anxiety. And a midlife crisis is a phase that helps people feel youthful again as they struggle to come to terms with the fact that their lives are half over. But, the emotional turmoil some people experience during midlife doesn’t always lead to major lifestyle changes that involve the desire to be young again. In fact, a midlife crisis could turn into something positive. Are Midlife Crises Real? Not everyone experiences a midlife crisis. In fact, studies show a midlife crisis isn’t an issue for people in many parts of the world. In fact, some researchers believe the notion of the midlife crisis is a social construct. And it’s the belief that you’re supposed to have some sort of crisis in your 40s that leads some people to say they experience a breakdown. A national survey of Midlife in the United States conducted a poll to determine how many people experience midlife crises. Approximately 26 percent of the participants reported having a midlife crisis. Most of the participants reported that their midlife crisis occurred before age 40 or after 50, however. That raises the question about whether these crises were truly related to midlife since midlife is typically considered age 45. Out of the one in four people who say they had a midlife crisis, the vast majority say it was brought on by a major event, rather than age. Factors that triggered the crisis included life changes such as divorce, job loss, loss of a loved one, or relocation. Signs of an Emotional Crisis Since “midlife crisis†isn’t an official diagnosis, it’s a difficult concept for researchers to study. Researchers often disagree on what constitutes a midlife crisis. Much of the research depends on individuals’ answers to questions about whether they’ve experienced a midlife crisis. Of course, what one person defines as a crisis may not be consistent with what another person considers to be a midlife crisis. While it’s typically thought that a midlife crisis involves the fear of mortality or the desire to be young again, the emotions experienced during a midlife crisis may not be all that much different from the distress someone might experience during any other type of life crisis. The American Psychological Association says an emotional crisis is evident from “a clear and abrupt change in behavior.†Examples of behavioral changes can include:Neglect of personal hygieneDramatic changes in sleep habitsWeight loss or gainPronounced changes in mood, such as increased anger, irritability, sadness, or anxiety.Withdrawal from usual routine or relationships Illustration by Brianna Gilmartin, Verywell Why a Midlife Crisis May Occur For many people, midlife is a time when relationships and roles are changing. Some people may need to begin caring for aging parents during midlife. Others may become empty nestersâ€"or they may feel as though their teenagers are growing up too fast. For other people, middle age may be a time of regrets. Some people may regret not choosing a different career path or not creating a life they once dreamed about living. The aging process becomes more apparent than ever during this time as well. Some individuals may develop illnesses while others may begin to notice a decline in their physical abilities. For some individuals, midlife may be a time of immense reflection. They may look back over their years and question what their lives might have been like if they’d taken a different path. Others may reflect on the happier days in their lives. For those who are goal oriented, there may be less reflection and more action. Rather than look back on years gone by, they may begin scrambling to accomplish bigger goals in the second half of their lives. The Midlife Happiness Slump Many studies indicate that happiness is U-shaped. A gradual decline in happiness begins during the late teen years and continues until an individual is in their 40s. Happiness begins increasing again in an individual’s 50s. Data on half a million Americans and Europeans found this trend to be true. Individuals in their 60s reported they’d never been happier, but people in their 40s felt like they were at an all-time low. This U-shaped curve doesn’t appear to be universal, however. It’s more prevalent in high-income nations. The gradual decline in happiness may explain why some people seem to hit a midlife crisisâ€"they’re in a happiness slump. Even though data suggests people become happier again later in life, there’s a pervasive belief that happiness continues to decline as we age. So, some people in their mid-40s may think life is only going to get worseâ€"which may spark a midlife crisis. Midlife Crisis vs. Depression Some people may experience depression during midlife and refer to their depressive state as their midlife crisis. Women between the ages of 40 and 59 in the United States have the highest rates of depression (12.3 percent) of any group based on age and gender, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suicide rates are highest during middle ageâ€"among white men in particular. People between the ages of 45 and 54 are more likely to kill themselves than any other age group. Does a midlife crisis cause depression? Does depression cause a midlife crisis? Or, is the depression people experience during midlife simply referred to as a midlife crisis? Similarly, does a midlife crisis increase the risk of suicide? No one knows for certain if a midlife crisis is separate from a mental health crisis that might simply occur during any stage of an individual’s life. Midlife Crisis vs. Dementia Some people may mistake health issues for a midlife crisis as well. A shift in behavior or a change in personality could be a sign of dementia. And while we tend to think Alzheimer’s and dementia only affect the elderly, the Alzheimer society reports that 5 percent of cases begin prior to age 65. People with early-onset dementia may have trouble planning, organizing, or thinking ahead. Consequently, they may be stressed or grow confused easily. In an article for The Conversation, Carmela Tartaglia, a clinician and scientist who is affiliated with the Alzheimer’s Society of Toronto, said, “Initially, a change in personality can be misinterpreted by the partner as indifference, a midlife crisis, or as something else.†Tartaglia explains that the changes brought about by dementia often lead to separation or divorce before a proper diagnosis is ever made. Positive Aspect A 2016 study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Development found an upside to the midlife crisisâ€"curiosity. Researchers found that people who were experiencing a crisisâ€"whether it was a quarter-life or a midlife crisisâ€"experienced enhanced curiosity. Participants reported being more curious about themselves and the wider world around them. The distress and uncertainty participants experienced brought about openness to new ideas, which could bring insight and creative solutions. That curiosity could lead to new breakthroughs or new opportunities, which might be the silver lining in the midst of a crisis. How to Know When to Get Help Midlife turmoil might bring about positive changes that don’t require professional help. Perhaps you become more spiritual or maybe you decide to begin volunteering so you feel as though your life has more meaning. But it could also take a toll on your well-being. If you find yourself experiencing a psychological crisis during midlife, you shouldn’t treat it differently than any other emotional crisis. If you experience distressing symptoms that impair your functioning, seek professional help. Here are some times when you should talk to your doctor or contact a mental health professional:Your emotional distress impairs your ability to sleep or it affects your appetiteYou can’t concentrate at work or you’ve had to call in sick due to your distressYour stress or mood is taking a toll on your relationships, such as increased fighting with a partner or siblingYou’ve lost interest in leisure activities and hobbies If you’re thinking of making some major life changes, like ending a long-term relationship, switching careers, or relocatingâ€"and your desire to make those changes stems from inner turmoil related to midlifeâ€"it could be a good idea to talk to a mental health professional before taking the leap. How to Help a Loved One If you suspect a friend or family member may be experiencing a midlife crisis, there are several things you can do to be supportive: Be a good listener: Let your loved one talk about their distress. Listen in a nonjudgmental way and hold off on offering advice in the beginning.Express your concern: Avoid saying things like, “You seem to be having a midlife crisis.†Instead, ask questions that don’t shame or place blame. Say something like, “You don’t seem like yourself lately. Are you OK?â€Talk about the importance of getting help: Encourage the person to talk to their physician. Keep in mind that there could be a medical issue behind the changes you see. A thyroid condition, for example, might cause a change in mood. Or, you might be seeing early signs of dementia. A physician can rule out medical issues and determine if a referral to a mental health professional is warranted.Get help for yourself: If someone close to you refuses to seek help, get help for yourself. Talking to a mental health professional can help you develop a plan that allows you to be supportive of the other individual while als o setting healthy boundaries for yourself.Seek immediate assistance if someone is suicidal: If someone is threatening to harm themselves or other people, intervene immediately. If necessary, take the individual to the emergency room for an evaluation. If the person refuses to go to the hospital, call an ambulance and do not leave the individual unattended. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
History And The New Testament Scriptures - 1453 Words
Critical Paper: Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures To recognize Him who is speaking (Heb. 12:25) this is key. Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures (RHNTS) illuminates us in God’s message of the NT as part of the redemptive work of Christ and thereby has complete authority from Christ. Nevertheless, the revealed light stands against the darkness that opposes it. Canon Authority Ridderbos’ had to defend against common fallacies of his time. This meant disproving the subjective interpretations, popular existential thought, and canon hermeneutics based on historical investigation. To have an objective, unchanging, non existential Scripture we cannot use any external metric upon the canon. This includes granting validation from experiences of believers as a measure. Ridderbos defines redemptive history and Scripture as the only rules or measures. Next, Ridderbos illustrates how the commissioning of the apostles is redemptive history, being sent by and with the Holy Spirit. The apostles had exclusive unrepeatable authority from Christ by which they performed the writing of the canon with the subsequent formation and closing of the canon. Misinformed individuals may think that the church received and approved the canon. The canon proved itself and forced the churches worldwide to accept it, this was not without struggle between acce pting books of the canon and those churches that accepted them first. Ecclesiastical authority is theShow MoreRelatedPreaching Christ From The Old Testament1137 Words  | 5 PagesPREACHING CHRIST FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT In Preaching Christ from the Old Testament , author Sidney Greidanus offers a contemporary hermeneutical model for preaching Christ centered sermons from Old Testament Scriptures. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Tortured Poet Edgar Allan Poe - 1312 Words
The Tortured Poet: Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem†Poe, Edgar Allan. The Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the page. Death is among one of the recurring themes which Poe explored. Dark and stormy compositions focussed around such ideas serve only to illustrate Poe’s writing style. One can see that such a horrid subject is clearly derived from the writer’s distraught life which would almost appear to create a trail of death in the writer’s footsteps. That being, Poe discovered the secret to writing. Edgar Allan Poe chose to write in an incredibly dark area of literature, but the mastery with which he explores such subjects is applicable to writing in the whole of literature. The story of Poe’s life is one marked with suffering, suffering so great that the painful scars of the poet’s life have been left deeply embedded in many of his greatest compositions. But as this stands, his life did not begin as so. On January the 19th, 1809, Poe was born the son of travelling actors in Boston, Massachusetts. By the time of Poe’s third birthday, however, both his parents had died, and their three childrenShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s Writing Style1303 Words  | 6 Pagesprovince of the poem†Poe, Edgar Allan. The Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the page. Death is among one of the recurring themes which Poe explored. Dark andRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson Compare and Contrast Essay1596 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson, Compare and Contrast Emily Elizabeth Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe are two of the biggest poets in American Literature from the 1800s. They had many things in common from their writings about death and sadness, because of their unfortunate losses in life, to the fact that they were both born in Massachusetts. They were also different in many ways. They were different in the way they looked at life and wrote about their experiences from it. While it is obviousRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe Research Paper1393 Words  | 6 PagesA famous writer, a renowned poet, and a American hero, Edgar Allan Poe has helped shaped modern day literature. Taught in schools as being a tortured soul, Poe’s dark writing has shaped American English for the better. Edgar Allen Poe’s early demise came as a shock to many during the time. Poe left this world in a mystery, much like some of his most famous works. The way in which Poe died, is never as simple as it seems. The limited details of his demise has left a hole in American literature andRead MoreThe Raven By Edgar Allan Poe964 Words  | 4 Pages Essay 1 In the poem â€Å"The Raven†, Edgar Allan Poe expresses a current state of drunkenness, drug use, and depression as existing in a dark and dreary prison like setting, tormented by the memories of a lost love. Poe’s literary career was undoubtedly influenced by the many tragedies he suffered in his life. 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He continues to capture the imagination and inspire literature more than one hundred and fifty years after his death. In examining his life, the critical reaction to his work, and his short story masterpieceRead MorePoe Essay1855 Words  | 8 PagesEdgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809 to Actors David and Elizabeth Arnold Poe. David and Eliza had three children together, William Henry, Edgar and a sister named Rosalie Poe (Hutchisson, 5). Edgar Allan’s parents died when he was young and he was taken in by John and Frances Allan, of Richmond, Virginia, even though they never formally adopted him. His other two brothers went on to live with other family members. John Allan was a very successful merchant, whichRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe: Romanticism’s All-Star Poet Essay1987 Words  | 8 Pagesremedy that can help young Americans to help cope with these questions would be the reference of to the poetry written by Edgar Allan Poe. If EAP was a doctor he would recommend the patient to â€Å"Take this kiss upon the brow!†and call me in the morning (Thompson 52). The real-life hardships that this author endured have given substantial evidence that his pen was much more than ink (Poe 162-163). Authors like Hawthorne and Melville challenged Poe’s repertoire in this era, but did not have the same effectRead MoreEssay Edgar Allan Poe3220 Words  | 13 PagesEdgar Allan Poe The boundaries which divide Life and Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where one ends, and where the other begins? Edgar Allan Poe, The Premature Burial (Bartlett, 642). To venture into the world of Edgar Allan Poe is to embark on a journey to a land filled with perversities of the mind, soul, and body. The joyless existence carved out by his writings is one of lost love, mental anguish, and the premature withering of his subjects. Poe wrote in a style that
Land Use Classification Map Free Essays
The land use classification maps for Blackpool shows that the most number of high order shops are in the centre of Blackpool. This links to the rates, as towards the centre the rates should increase, as it is a more prestigious location. As the hypothesis states it is a characteristic of CBD’s to have lots of high order shops and medium order shops and few low order shops. We will write a custom essay sample on Land Use Classification Map or any similar topic only for you Order Now The position of the high order shops are linked to the pedestrian density map as more people will want to visit the areas with high order shops so the density will be higher there. I predicted that in Blackpool the specialist shops will be in the centre of the town CBD but quite a lot of the specialist shops were in the frame, the tattoo salon for example. Also the shopping and environmental quality is linked to this, as the high order shops tends to be in areas with higher shopping and environmental quality values. The land use classification map of Lytham shows that there is a mixture of low, medium and high order centre which according to my hypothesis is a characteristic of a small town. This as with the Blackpool land use map is also linked to the pedestrian counts and the shopping and environmental quality values as the highest pedestrian density tends to be in the areas with high order shops as these are the best shops in the centre. Shop Breakdown As fig S1 shows, the highest percentage of high order shop for Blackpool are in the centre and south zones. This is linked to the pedestrian and shopping and environmental quality scores, as the highest of these scores are in the centre and south zones. The north and east zones have the highest percentage of vacant shops which also links to the shopping and environmental score because if there aren’t any shops there the shopping quality score will be low. If the environmental quality is low, businesses will less likely want to purchase property so they will remain vacant. This is also linked to the pedestrian density as if there aren’t many shops there they will not shop there. All of the zones have roughly the same percentage of medium order services. This is because Blackpool is a medium to high order centre and the medium order shops are likely to be in any area as they get make more profit as they are medium order services so can afford better locations. Also more national businesses are medium and high order so can afford sites in the centre, whilst independent businesses may only be able to afford smaller sites in the frame of the CBD. This is linked to rates, (see fig B3 and analysis of it). As fig S2 shows Lytham has roughly the same percentage of high and medium order shops which was not what I predicted in my hypothesis but has a higher percentage of low order shops than Blackpool which I predicted in my hypothesis. I predicted that the low order centres would more convenience stores than a high order centre, which is correct in this study but I also predicted that the higher centre would have a higher percentage of specialist shops which it didn’t as they both had similar percentages. Blackpool has a higher percentage of vacant shops than Lytham. This could be because there are 7 times as many shops in Blackpool as there are in Lytham so there may be a lower demand for them if they are in the frame of Blackpool CBD. As figs S3 and S4 show Blackpool has more variety of shops due to its size but similar percentages of clothes shops, cafes and electronic shops. Lytham has a higher percentage of gift shops and restaurant. This could be because people travel to Lytham, as it is a quiet seaside town and they then eat at the restaurants and buy gifts at the gift shops. As graphs S3 and S4 show the radius of the pie charts are directly proportional to the square root of the number of services. Pedestrian Density Maps The pedestrian density map of Blackpool shows that the highest value of pedestrian density is in the centre of Blackpool. This is a characteristic of any centre. The further away from the centre the lower the pedestrian density should be which the case for Blackpool is on this particular day. This is shown on graph B3. This shows that pedestrian count against distance form the town centre as medium to strong negative correlation, which means in most cases as the distance from town centre decreases, the pedestrian count increases. The pedestrian density map for Lytham also shows that the highest pedestrian density is in the centre and the further away from the centre the lower the density should be. This is shown on graph L3. It shows that pedestrian count against distance from the centre has medium negative correlation. Also the highest pedestrian density for Blackpool is higher than that of for Lytham which I stated in my hypothesis as Blackpool is higher up the hierarchy than Lytham. This is linked to the shopping and environmental quality index value, as when the pedestrian density value increases the shopping and environmental quality value should also increase. Environmental and Shopping Quality Maps The shopping and environmental quality map for Blackpool is as I predicted with the exception of the area surrounding Talbot Road and Springfield Road. As I predicted, the values for both the shopping and the environmental quality increase as they get nearer the centre. This is shown on graph B2. It has a medium negative correlation. In most cases the environmental quality values and the shopping quality are within 10 or 12 of each other, which shows direct correlation with the exception of Talbot Road where the shopping quality value is 30 points more. The shopping and environmental quality map of Lytham also shows an increase as it gets closer to the centre with the exception of outside the library where the shopping quality value is 36 but the environmental quality is 60 which follows the trend. This is shown on graph L2. It shows weak to medium negative correlation, which means as the distance from the centre increases the environmental and shopping quality value decreases in most cases. In every case, except the outside the library the values are within 12 points of each other, which is the same as the values for Blackpool. The highest value for the shopping and environmental quality is in Blackpool, which I predicted in my hypothesis, as Blackpool is higher on the hierarchy. These values are linked to the land use classification map, as the higher shopping quality values are in the centre where more high order shops and services are. This is shown on graph B1 for Blackpool as it shows rates per metre frontage against environmental plus shopping quality value. This shows low to medium positive correlation, which means in some cases as the environmental plus shopping quality value increases the rates per metre frontage also increase. Graph L1 for Lytham shows that for Lytham, rates per metre frontage are not at all linked to environmental plus shopping quality, as the graph shows no correlation. Also the pedestrian density is linked to this as the pedestrian density is usually higher where the shopping and environmental quality values are as people want to be in an area with pleasant surroundings and lots of good quality shops, which in most cases are high or medium order. Parking Restrictions The whole of Blackpool centre allows no parking unless you pay for the Hounds Hill car park. All the area is double yellow lines. There are a few taxi ranks and bus stops, but around half of the centre is pedestrianised. This is linked to the pedestrian count, as there is a higher pedestrian count in the pedestrianised areas. It is also linked to environmental quality value, as the value is likely to be higher if there is a pedestrianised area. For Lytham the area is split half-and-half with double yellow lines and restricted free parking. There is a small taxi rank and some bus stops. Shopping Questionnaires I predicted that there were to be a higher percentage of younger to middle aged people in Blackpool. This was true for the sample we took for Blackpool, as 5% were under 20, 20% were 21-30 and 21% were 41-50. For Lytham I predicted that there would be a higher percentage of older people. This was also true as 35% were over 60 but there were also more young people as 20% were under 20%, which I didn’t predict. These percentages are shown on graphs Q5 and Q6. This is also linked to the distance people are prepared to travel as older people will want to travel less distance. It is also linked to the frequency of visit as older people will visit the centre more frequently as they usually have more time than middle aged people. The distance travelled to each centre is shown on graph Q4. It shows that the same percentage of people live in the immediate area, but a higher percentage of people from Blackpool travelled less than a mile, again a higher percentage of people asked in Blackpool between 1 and 5 miles but a higher percentage of people asked in Lytham travelled between 6 and 10 miles and also over 10 miles. This is also shown on graph Q10. I did not predict this in my hypothesis as I expected people would travel further to visit Blackpool, as it is a high order centre and should have a larger catchment area than Lytham. The catchment areas for Blackpool and Lytham are shown on maps. These show quiet clearly that more people travelled from a smaller distance to visit Blackpool than they did for Lytham. A higher percentage of people were in Lytham to buy food and drink than there were in Blackpool. This was what I expected, as it is lower on the hierarchy. A higher percentage of people bought clothes and footwear, expensive items and household items in Blackpool. This is also as I predicted, as Blackpool is a high order centre. These are shown on graphs Q1 and Q2. These are linked to the distance people travelled as 32% of people travelled under 1 mile to Lytham and 37% bought food and drink which is as I predicted. If people spend more money they are more likely to use a credit card, as they won’t have cash of sa y over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½50. A higher percentage of people walked to Blackpool than to Lytham, which was not what I predicted, but the most popular mode of transport, was car. Also 10% of people travelled by coach to Lytham which was the same percentage that came from Somerset. This was because there was a coach trip from Somerset so these have affected by results. How people travelled to each centre is linked to the distance travelled, as people are not going to walk to a centre if they walk over a few miles away. A higher percentage of people in Lytham were going to visit a cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ or restaurant than in Blackpool. This could be because Lytham is a tourist town and they came for a day out. A higher percentage of people visit Blackpool frequently than they do to Lytham (graph Q3). This could be because people were on a day out to Lytham, as opposed to regular shoppers to Blackpool so I didn’t predict this. This is linked to distance travelled, as people are unlikely to visit a place regularly if they live over 10 miles away. The sizes of Graphs Q 1,2,5,6 8, 9 are directly proportional to the square root of the number of services in the centre. How to cite Land Use Classification Map, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Lysistrata Essays - Lysistrata, Women In War, Aristophanes, Peace
Lysistrata Lysistrata is a play written in 411 BC by Aristophanes. At that time in Greek history, the city-states were constantly warring with one another. Consequently, the women were left at home. One woman, Lysistrata, was so fed up with the fighting that she called all of the women of Greece to a meeting. When they finally showed up, Lysistrata presented her plan for peace: no sex until the wars ceased. She eventually convinced all of the other women that this was the only way to bring peace to the land. The men were miserable and ultimately they negotiated a treaty to stop the hostilities. This play has its merits and its downfalls. As a whole, however, it is well written, humorous, and most importantly, it has a purpose. On first glance, the play seems to be no more than a simple, comical story. Aristophanes wrote the play not only to entertain, but also to make a stand against warfare. He believed that war was an abnormal state of affairs. At the opening of the play, Lysistrata has calle d a meeting of all the women and is impatiently waiting for them. She says that she has spent long, sleepless nights agonizing over the solution to the wars. She tells Kalonike, Only we women can save Greece! As the rest of the women arrive, she informs them of her plan. The women are resistant to the idea of no sex at first. They then realize that what Lysistrata says is true. The women take an oath and swear to one another that they will have nothing to do with their husbands until the wars cease. Aristophanes' use of women as the peacemakers shows the natural role of women as nurturers. He is displaying how life should be, without war. In times of peace, men are working at home alongside their wives. When war comes about, women are left to do all the work, domestic and otherwise. This upsets the balance of daily life. Aristophanes is urging his fellow Greeks to restore peace and therefore life as they once knew it. As the play progresses, the men are in extreme pain and agony fro m the withholding of sexual activities. They come to the conclusion, grudgingly, that the women are indeed correct. To renew Greece, the fighting must end. And they are the ones with whom it has to begin. The men arrange a treaty and then celebrate with the others, Athenian and Spartan alike. But, as I can imagine, all, women and men, are anxious to get home. With this play, Aristophanes' goal was to tell an amusing story and also to spur his countrymen to resolve their differences for the sake of Greece and Greek life. We now know that they did not heed Aristophanes warnings. The Golden Age of Greece did come to an end, mostly because of the extreme pride and arrogance of the individual city-states. Aristophanes did his best to convince them, but such is the sage advice: it often goes unheeded, much to the dismay of all concerned.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on P rohibition
During World War I, men were encouraged to serve the military and women took over the job that was left behind by these men. The economy was limited during wartime. As a result, the clothing designs and styles were made to fit the economy. Which meant less needs for new clothes; restriction on the use of wools and dyes were in short supply. The influence of the military style clothing came in effect and appealed to women who served war work. Such as: cut of jackets and coats, trench coats, trousers and sweaters. However, women who worked in public still wore skirts but hold drastic difference compare to the dresses wore during the previous decades. ‘There were no time for mincing steps in restricting â€Å"hobble skirts†! (Laubner 8) Since women were earning considerable payment for their wartime work, skirts became shorter and wider to suit their working life styles that enable them easier movements. Another great influence on the 1920’s fashions, trends, and lif e styles were the law of prohibition. In 1869, a prohibition party was organized. The party was joined by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the Anti-Saloon League over the years. The temperance movement had succeeded in prohibiting alcohol sales in seven states, by the end of the 19th century. The prohibition movement made great strides during the two decades of the 1900s. Twenty-seven states were dry by the year 1917. On January 16, 1919, the 18th amendment was ratified. Meaning: the manufacture, sell, or transport of alcoholic beverages in the U.S. illegal. The elimination of alcohol was thought to be the answer to social instability and moral decline. It was believed that alcohol were responsible for poverty, diseases, crimes and drunk workers and soldiers. Despite the ratification of the eighteen amendment, many Americans did not intend to give up the drinking alcoholic beverages. Millions of Americans became lawbreakers since they can see nothing criminal about ... Free Essays on P rohibition Free Essays on P rohibition During World War I, men were encouraged to serve the military and women took over the job that was left behind by these men. The economy was limited during wartime. As a result, the clothing designs and styles were made to fit the economy. Which meant less needs for new clothes; restriction on the use of wools and dyes were in short supply. The influence of the military style clothing came in effect and appealed to women who served war work. Such as: cut of jackets and coats, trench coats, trousers and sweaters. However, women who worked in public still wore skirts but hold drastic difference compare to the dresses wore during the previous decades. ‘There were no time for mincing steps in restricting â€Å"hobble skirts†! (Laubner 8) Since women were earning considerable payment for their wartime work, skirts became shorter and wider to suit their working life styles that enable them easier movements. Another great influence on the 1920’s fashions, trends, and lif e styles were the law of prohibition. In 1869, a prohibition party was organized. The party was joined by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the Anti-Saloon League over the years. The temperance movement had succeeded in prohibiting alcohol sales in seven states, by the end of the 19th century. The prohibition movement made great strides during the two decades of the 1900s. Twenty-seven states were dry by the year 1917. On January 16, 1919, the 18th amendment was ratified. Meaning: the manufacture, sell, or transport of alcoholic beverages in the U.S. illegal. The elimination of alcohol was thought to be the answer to social instability and moral decline. It was believed that alcohol were responsible for poverty, diseases, crimes and drunk workers and soldiers. Despite the ratification of the eighteen amendment, many Americans did not intend to give up the drinking alcoholic beverages. Millions of Americans became lawbreakers since they can see nothing criminal about ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Use Italian Adjectives
How to Use Italian Adjectives The big piazza, the clear sky, and the handsome Italian man are all examples with an adjective, or something that gives more information about a noun. Oftentimes this is a description. In Italian an adjective agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies, and there are two groups of adjectives: those ending in -o and those ending in -e. Adjectives ending in -o in the masculine have four forms: Maschile Femminile Singolare -o -a Plurale -i -e Singolare il libro italiano la signora italiana Plurale i libri italiani le signore italiane Singolare il primo giorno la mesa universitaria Plurale i primi giorni le mense universitarie COMMON ITALIAN ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -O allegro cheerful, happy buono good, kind cattivo bad, wicked freddo cold grasso fat leggero light nuovo new pieno full stretto narrow timido timid, shy Adjectives ending in -o have four forms: masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular, and feminine plural. Observe how the adjectives nero and cattivo change to agree with nouns they modify. Note that when an adjective modifies two nouns of different gender, it keeps its masculine ending. For example: i padri e le madre italiani (Italian fathers and mothers). If an adjectives ends in -io, like vecchio - old, the o is dropped to form the plural. labito vecchio - the old suitgli abiti vecchi - the old suitsil ragazzo serio - the serious boyi ragazzi seri - the serious boysUli à ¨ tedesco. - Uli is German.Adriana à ¨ italiana. - Adriana is Italian.Roberto e Daniele sono americani. - Robert and Daniel are American.Svetlana e Natalia sono russe. - Svetlana and Natalia are Russian. Adjectives ending in -e are the same for the masculine and the feminine singular. In the plural, the -e changes to an -i, whether the noun is masculine or feminine. il ragazzo inglese - the English boyla ragazza inglese - the English girli ragazzi inglesi - the English boysle ragazze inglesi - the English girls ENDINGS OF -E ADJECTIVES SINGULAR PLURAL il ragazzo triste - the sad boy i ragazzi tristi - the sad boys la ragazza triste - the sad girl le ragazze tristi - the sad girls ITALIAN ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -E abile able difficile difficult felice happy forte strong grande big, large, great importante important intelligente intelligent interessante interesting triste sad veloce fast, speedy There are quite a few other exceptions for forming plural adjectives. For instance, adjectives that end in -io (with the stress falling on that ) form the plural with the ending -ii: addio/addii; leggio/leggii; zio/zii. The table below contains a chart of other irregular adjective endings you should know. FORMING PLURAL ADJECTIVES SINGULAR ENDING PLURAL ENDING -ca -che -cia -ce -cio -ci -co -chi -ga -ghe -gia -ge -gio -gi -glia -glie -glio -gli -go -ghi -scia -sce -scio -sci Where do the adjectives go? Unlike in English, descriptive adjectives in Italian are usually placed after the noun they modify, and with which they agree in gender and number. 1. Adjectives generally follow the noun. È una lingua difficile. - It is a difficult language.Marina à ¨ una ragazza generosa. - Marina is a generous girl.Non trovo il maglione rosa. - I cant find the pink sweater. TIP: Note that adjectives of colors that derive from nouns, like â€Å"rosa†, â€Å"viola†, or â€Å"blu†are invariable. 2. Certain common adjectives, however, generally come before the noun. Here are the most common: bello - beautifulbravo - good, ablebrutto - uglybuono - goodcaro - dearcattivo - badgiovane - younggrande - large; great TIP: When you place â€Å"grande†before a noun, it means â€Å"great†, like â€Å"una grande piazza†, but if you place it after, it means â€Å"big†, like â€Å"una piazza grande†. lungo - longnuovo - newpiccolo - small, littlestesso - samevecchio - oldvero - true Here are some examples: Anna à ¨ una cara amica. - Anna is a dear friend.Gino à ¨ un bravissimo dottore. - Gino is a really good doctor.È un brutto affare. - Its a bad situation. But even these adjectives must follow the noun to emphasize or contrast something, and when modified by an adverb. Oggi non porta labito vecchio, porta un abito nuovo. - Today he is not wearing the old suit, he is wearing a new suit.Abitano in una casa molto piccola. - They live in a very small house. Click here, here and here to get practice with adjectives.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Wage Labor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wage Labor - Essay Example They are portrayed as unfortunate and suffer at the hands of industrialists. On the contrary, the capitalists live in an upper class area where sun shines every morning. They are considered the fortunate ones. Their machineries churn and release steam in work areas and where labor lives. Through Fredersen, the film shows how people accumulate capital via expropriation in the sense that Fredersen’s father does not care about the welfare of his workers. For instance, when Freder tells his Father about the death of one of their workers, he fires his assistant Josephat so that he does not pay them their wages. Freder then starts thinking about the status of his workers. At the end of the film, he gets trapped in his industry and risks his life to save his labors (Freder). Similarly, in Chaplin’s Modern Times, the filmmakers try to present the matters between labor and the industrialists. In Modern Times, Charlie, the protagonist, performs the role of a struggling labor. He works at a grinding wheels industry where his boss often increases the speed so he could consume twice output from his labors. The movie shows the struggles of labor that they are not even allowed to interact directly with each others. In these two films, Fritz Lang’s Metropolis and Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times, the filmmakers briefly show the differences and issues created between the labors and the capitalists. ... In Metropolis, filmmakers present the differences from capitalists’ perspectives and it is observed that makers try to favor the industrialists in the society. Despite of the fact that how badly Fredersens’ father behaves with his employees, his son the lead character of the film, acts kind with them. He was trapped in his factory and risked his life for the labors. He then starts being a good man and becomes the connecting factor between the two fractions of the capitalist society, the labors and the capitalists (Freder). Whereas in Charlie’s Modern Times, the makers strive to favor labors point of view by showing the story from their perspective. The film shows how a laborer struggles to adjust in the society after suffering hugely in the hands of different industrialists. Even after all the struggles and sufferings, Charlie still risks his life to save his boss from an accident (Chaplin). Analyzing the information it can conclude that the both films present th e issues between labors and capitalist in two different ways but the main highlight is to develop understanding the relationship between capitalist and labors. The similarity between these two films is the plot that demonstrates the interdependency of labors and capitalists. The plot of both films emphasize when labors are nothing without industrialists, these films portray that capitalists also cannot operate their industries without the labors. Both the movies talk about the dedication of labors and capitalist and try to remove the biases on capitalists of being unfair with their labors. The relationship between the government and business is evident in the films in the sense that the government seems to draft laws that controls the operation of the business in order to avoid public
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Week 3 Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 3 Marketing - Essay Example In the second instance, it will be important to put emphasis on purchase behaviors. Differences in purchase behavior influence the success of any business, including those in the health sector (Hemenway, 2010).Iit is therefore important to research the proposed markets to find out if the consumers within the market have certain purchasing behaviors that are in line with the organizational culture of the medical center. Lastly, the issue of psychographics is very crucial. Psychographics have been explained to encompass qualitative attributes of the market that focus on the way the people and what they want to do (Dionne and Eeckhoudt, 2005). Clearly, the mentality of the people towards the health care delivery system is very important in undertaking the market segment. Once these factors are critically considered, it can be assured that marketing mix would change in light of the segmentation utilization. But as the segmentation takes place, it will be important to measure distribution rather than concentration because distribution will give the center the opportunity to cater for the different health needs of the markets as depicted in demographic, psychographic and purchasing behavior
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay Comparing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth -- comparison compare contras
William Shakespeare’s Macbeth tells the story of a general who commits regicide in order to become king. Early in the play, Macbeth is conflicted as to weather or not he wants to kill his kinsman the king. In the first two acts Macbeth is not portrayed as a ruthless killer; he is a sympathetic character who succumbs to the provocation of his wife and a prophecy foretold by three mysterious witches. In contrast, Lady Macbeth is a manipulative, immoral woman. Her ambition is so strong that she is willing to do anything to see her husband succeed. However, in the third act things begin to change. The death of the king and lord and lady Macbeth’s rise to power catalyze profound transformation in their personalities.            Before Macbeth enters the stage his reputation as a prestigious general is established. In the second scene of the play men who have fought with Macbeth rant about his courage in battle. The first account of Macbeth’s bravery comes from an injured captain. He says: â€Å" But all’s too weak/for brave Macbeth (Well he deserves that name)/ Disdaining fortune, with his brandish steel/. (1.2.17) The rest of the scene consists of other recounts of Macbeth’s success; the thane of Ross informs the king that Macbeth has successfully suppressed the joint efforts of the thane of Cawdor, and the king of Norway. Furthermore, in this scene the king announces that Macbeth is to be promoted as the new thane of Cawdor. In this scene Macbeth is portrayed as a mighty, patriotic, warrior and a loyal subject to the king. However as the play progresses Macbeth deviates from these traits. Macbeth’s encounter with the three witches c onfuses him. He begins to decide on a course ... ... to kill Banquo he says â€Å" Not I’ th’ worst rank of manhood say ‘t And I will put that business in your bosoms†(3.1.115) This was the same technique that Lady Macbeth used when she was persuading Macbeth to kill Duncan; she questioned his manhood. While Macbeth is loosing his morals, Lady Macbeth is developing hers. After Macbeth reveals his plot to kill Banquo she is reluctant to add another murder to those already committed: â€Å"You must leave this†(3.3.40)            In act three another prophecy foretold by the witches comes true. The paradox â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair†characterizes the changes the protagonists undergo in acts one, two and three. Throughout the play Macbeth, the â€Å"fair†one, becomes overcome by guilt and becomes â€Å"foul†. While Lady Macbeth who was â€Å"foul†in her instigations becomes â€Å"fair†. Essay Comparing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth -- comparison compare contras William Shakespeare’s Macbeth tells the story of a general who commits regicide in order to become king. Early in the play, Macbeth is conflicted as to weather or not he wants to kill his kinsman the king. In the first two acts Macbeth is not portrayed as a ruthless killer; he is a sympathetic character who succumbs to the provocation of his wife and a prophecy foretold by three mysterious witches. In contrast, Lady Macbeth is a manipulative, immoral woman. Her ambition is so strong that she is willing to do anything to see her husband succeed. However, in the third act things begin to change. The death of the king and lord and lady Macbeth’s rise to power catalyze profound transformation in their personalities.            Before Macbeth enters the stage his reputation as a prestigious general is established. In the second scene of the play men who have fought with Macbeth rant about his courage in battle. The first account of Macbeth’s bravery comes from an injured captain. He says: â€Å" But all’s too weak/for brave Macbeth (Well he deserves that name)/ Disdaining fortune, with his brandish steel/. (1.2.17) The rest of the scene consists of other recounts of Macbeth’s success; the thane of Ross informs the king that Macbeth has successfully suppressed the joint efforts of the thane of Cawdor, and the king of Norway. Furthermore, in this scene the king announces that Macbeth is to be promoted as the new thane of Cawdor. In this scene Macbeth is portrayed as a mighty, patriotic, warrior and a loyal subject to the king. However as the play progresses Macbeth deviates from these traits. Macbeth’s encounter with the three witches c onfuses him. He begins to decide on a course ... ... to kill Banquo he says â€Å" Not I’ th’ worst rank of manhood say ‘t And I will put that business in your bosoms†(3.1.115) This was the same technique that Lady Macbeth used when she was persuading Macbeth to kill Duncan; she questioned his manhood. While Macbeth is loosing his morals, Lady Macbeth is developing hers. After Macbeth reveals his plot to kill Banquo she is reluctant to add another murder to those already committed: â€Å"You must leave this†(3.3.40)            In act three another prophecy foretold by the witches comes true. The paradox â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair†characterizes the changes the protagonists undergo in acts one, two and three. Throughout the play Macbeth, the â€Å"fair†one, becomes overcome by guilt and becomes â€Å"foul†. While Lady Macbeth who was â€Å"foul†in her instigations becomes â€Å"fair†.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
List and describe the four information systems serving Essay
Your TPS (Transactional Support System) Computerized systems that perform and Answer: record daily routine transactions necessary to conduct the business; they serve at the organization’s operational level MIS (Management Information System) The study of information systems focusing on their use in business and management DSS (Decision Support System)Information systems at the organization’s management level that combine data and sophisticated analytical models or data analysis tools to support semistructured and unstructured decision making ESS (Executive Support System) Information systems at the organizations strategic level designed to address unstructured decision making through advanced graphics and communications Instructor Explanation: †¢Ã‚ Sales and marketing information systems are systems that help the firm identify customers for the organization’s products and services. Such systems help to identify customer preferences, potential customers, sell the products or services, and provide support to salespeople and customers. †¢Ã‚ Manufacturing and production information systems are systems that provide information for planning, product development, production or service scheduling, and controlling the flow of products and services. †¢Ã‚ Finance and accounting information systems keep track of an organization’s financial assets and fund flows. †¢Ã‚ Human resources information systems maintain employee records, track employee skills, job performance, training, employee compensation including pensions and benefits, legal and regulatory requirements, and career development. Received: Comments: You misunderstood the question a little bit. Yes, all the systems are defined from constituency perspective; however they can exist for every business functional area. The question asked to explain how these systems would serve each area. Partial credit. See the possible answer below Sales and marketing information systems are systems that help the firm identify customers for the organization’s products and services. Such systems help to identify customer preferences, potential customers, sell the products or services, and provide support to salespeople and customers. Manufacturing and production information systems are systems that provide information for planning, product development, production or service scheduling, and controlling the flow of products and services. Finance and accounting information systems keep track of an organization’s financial assets and fund flows. Human resources information systems maintain employee records, track employee skills, job performance, training, employee compensation including pensions and benefits, legal and regulatory requirements, and career development. 2 .Question: TCO B: The text describes Michael Porter’s view of the Internet as somewhat Week 4 Quiz – IS535 negative. What negative influences does Porter see? Describe several positive influences the Internet has on business. Do these outweigh the negative influences? Your Some of the negative aspects viewed about the internet was that it destroyed Answer: some industries and have threatened more. However, the internet’s good may outweigh the bad. New markets and a multitude of new businesses are being formed because of the internet. E-commerce transformed the business world of books, music and air travel. Telephone services, movies, television, jewelry, real estate, hotels, bill payments and software have all seen more efficient ways to strategically do business because of the internet. I think the positive aspects on competitive advantages outweigh the negative influences, especially for start up and new entry companies. The internet allows them to be more efficient and self sufficient as a business Instructor Porter sees the Internet as creating ever more intense rivalry, through allowing new Explanation: competitors to enter the market, and forcing competition on price alone, raising the bargaining power of customers, and dampening profits. Positive influences of the Internet would be lowering telecommunications costs, creating new opportunities for building brands and loyal customer bases, lowering costs of globalization. You could also view Porter’s negative take on lowering the barrier to entry as a positive for new companies. The Internet’s influence being negative or positive depends in part on the point of view from which the influence is being seen. For example, a telephone utility is impacted negatively by the emergence of Internet telephony, while other industries may be impacted positively either through the use of this technology or through engaging in Internet telephony as a business.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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