Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Narrative Of Douglass And Narrative Of Jacobs
A comparison of the narrative of Douglass and the narrative of Jacobs was very interesting to me because, they vividly establishes the full range of burdens and conditions many slaves experience. I couldn’t help when I read the first half of these narratives to notice the similarities they both share and make the connection between them, as I relived their experiences through the lenses of a mixed male and a black female slaves with a white lover; that was also raped by her white master. Mr. Douglass was born in Talbot County, Maryland, and he expresses is frustration for not knowing or not being allow to know his age. The show this when he stated in his narrative by saying; â€Å"A want of information concerning my own was a source of unhappiness to me even doing childhood. The white children could tell their ages. I could not tell why I ought to be deprived on the same privilege.†(pg. 17) Douglass explain this is the fate of many slave of this time, they were not told or had any ideas of where and when they were born. We can see in both of these two narratives are told using personal stories of their suffering while using other descriptions of other characters to help tell the overall story of the experiences of slaves. Douglass give us many examples of the many horrible way the slave masters and slaves overseers treated their slaves. By showing us the violent killing and beating of slaves by the overseers without even being help responsible for it. One of theseShow MoreRelatedFrederick Douglass And Harriet Jacobs Narratives1756 Words  | 8 Pagesmostly land that surrounded the plantations. This allowed for the plantation owners to be cruel and vicious towards their slaves. Some torture usually ended up with major injuries from whipping or sometimes even death. 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