Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Narrative Of Douglass And Narrative Of Jacobs
A comparison of the narrative of Douglass and the narrative of Jacobs was very interesting to me because, they vividly establishes the full range of burdens and conditions many slaves experience. I couldn’t help when I read the first half of these narratives to notice the similarities they both share and make the connection between them, as I relived their experiences through the lenses of a mixed male and a black female slaves with a white lover; that was also raped by her white master. Mr. Douglass was born in Talbot County, Maryland, and he expresses is frustration for not knowing or not being allow to know his age. The show this when he stated in his narrative by saying; â€Å"A want of information concerning my own was a source of unhappiness to me even doing childhood. The white children could tell their ages. I could not tell why I ought to be deprived on the same privilege.†(pg. 17) Douglass explain this is the fate of many slave of this time, they were not told or had any ideas of where and when they were born. We can see in both of these two narratives are told using personal stories of their suffering while using other descriptions of other characters to help tell the overall story of the experiences of slaves. Douglass give us many examples of the many horrible way the slave masters and slaves overseers treated their slaves. By showing us the violent killing and beating of slaves by the overseers without even being help responsible for it. One of theseShow MoreRelatedFrederick Douglass And Harriet Jacobs Narratives1756 Words  | 8 Pagesmostly land that surrounded the plantations. This allowed for the plantation owners to be cruel and vicious towards their slaves. Some torture usually ended up with major injuries from whipping or sometimes even death. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Treatment Of A Cancer Diagnosis - 951 Words
A Cancer diagnosis may bring on many negative emotions, questions and uncertainties in a patient. Even though we now have different types of treatments for cancer, there are still numerous deaths annually attributed to the diagnosis. The World Health Organization has described the number of mortalities to be greater than 8.2 million annually around the world (World Health Organization [WHO], 2015). As nurses, we must serve as the patient’s advocate and empower them throughout the course of their illness. Nursing care for cancer needs to incorporate teaching and providing patient’s with knowledge concerning their diagnosis, treatments and side-effects, being present and supportive, showing emotional and spiritual encouragement and also using evidence-based interventions to help alleviate the patients’ pain and suffering brought on by their malady and treatments. Cells that make up a malignant neoplasm are cells that do not follow the usual path of self-destruction when they are malformed or damaged. They are no longer able to execute their required function in the body. Meanwhile, they also manage to thwart the body’s immune system, which if they were unable to avoid, would destroy them as it does other dysfunctional or unnecessary cells in the body. This is how these mutated cells are allowed to flourish in a body. Not only do cancer cells flourish, but they excel at aggressively creating more and more cancer cells at a rate faster than our own body’s cells proliferate,Show MoreRelatedCancer Diagnosis And Treatment Of Cancer Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesCancer is characterized by abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth, and it disrupts normal body function, as it increases energy demands and alters body systems. There are many factors that can lead to the development of cancers, including genetic, behavioral, and environmental i nfluences. 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The tumor is discovered throughRead MoreBreast Cancer Research : Diagnosis With Treatment1844 Words  | 8 PagesBreast Cancer Research Including the Diagnosis with Treatment Ellie A. Rider New Castle Career Center Health Science Education Mrs. Talbott December 2, 2014 Author Note Ellie A. Rider, Health Science Education, New Castle Career Programs. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ellie Rider, Health Science Education, New Castle Career Programs, New Castle IN, 47362. Contact: erider2015@gmail Abstract This paper will explain to you an in depth description of an illness
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Triple Talaq Free Essays
Triple Talaq, which is also, know as talaq-e-biddat (Instant divorce) and talaq-e-mughallazh (irrevocable divorce). This is a form of Islamic divorce, which is practiced by Muslims in India. Triple talaq allows any Muslim man to legally divorce his wife by stating the word (Talaq) three time in any form like oral, written or can be in electronic form. We will write a custom essay sample on Triple Talaq or any similar topic only for you Order Now As women and society are getting educated Triple Talaq has become subject of controversy and debate. Because it is not only being violated by some of the men in society but is also has questioned on issues of justice, gender equality, human rights and secularism. This debate has involved Government of India and the supreme court of India. We live in country, which is constitution and gives right to every citizen to life freely. Every citizen of India has right to Equality, which is first one. Right to freedom where every citizen has right to speak and express themselves. Right against exploitation where every citizen has right to speak if they are exploited with something. Right to freedom of religion, India being multi religious and culture citizen has right to follow any culture they want. Equal and educational rights where citizen has right to get educated equally no matter from what cast gender or sex they belong to and know what’s right and good for them and raise voice for the same. Last but not the least Right to constitutional remedies where every citizen has right to raise voice and take it Supreme Court for justice. And talking about this issue it is seen that amongst 6 of the rights that every citizen of India holds hardly any of them is practiced completely. And the victims of this is none another but MUSLIM women of the country. Talking about Islam In the words of prophet Mohammad,†Of all the lawful things, divorce is the most hated by Allah.†The fundamental issues is the by default right for talaq is only granted to man, it get mandatory for woman to make a clause in her marriage contract that even she can decide to end the marriage. Which is known as Talaq-e-Isma.But because of lack of knowledge or from pressure of her own family a woman cant do that, which give whole and soul power in the hands of her husband which is sometimes just taken for granted. Why can they not live the way they want? Why do the have to fear man they get married to and give them power to decide if they want marriage or not? Why should they suppress under them? When they have a bright future and this doesn’t always mean not getting married, but even they can have power to decide, even they can grow and stand above or with men in the society. And the biggest question is HOW MANY WOMEN IN INDA ARE AWARE OF THEIR ISLAMIC RIGHTS? This has led man to by default have all the power and for women there are *terms and condition applied. Reference Aishwarya Krishnan. 2018. List of Fundamental Rights in Constitution of India: Supreme Court Rules Privacy as a Fundamental Right | Buzz News, India.com. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.india.com/buzz/list-of-fundamental-rights-in-constitution-of-india-supreme-court-rules-privacy-as-a-fundamental-right-2424171/. [Accessed 11 October 2018]. Feminism In India. 2018. A Woman-Friendly Nikah-Nama And Muslim Women’s Right To Divorce | Feminism In India. [ONLINE] Available at: https://feminisminindia.com/2017/04/27/nikah-nama-muslim-women-divorce/. [Accessed 11 October 2018] Feminism In India. 2018. What Does The Quran Actually Say About Triple Talaq?. [ONLINE] Available at: https://feminisminindia.com/2017/08/23/quran-triple-talaq/. [Accessed 11 October 2018]. The different methods of Islamic separation – Part 2: The different types of Talaq. 2018. The different methods of Islamic separation – Part 2: The different types of Talaq. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.familylaw.co.uk/news_and_comment/the-different-methods-of-islamic-separation-part-2-the-different-types-of-talaq#.W78g7C9L2u4. [Accessed 11 October 2018]. How to cite Triple Talaq, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Love and Fame - A metaphoric Addiction free essay sample
Love or drugs. Friends or fame. Peter Breslin, who wrote Vicissitudes of Orpheus and Randy Schmidt who wrote â€Å"Karen Carpenter’s Tragic Story†, both expressed the escapes of Orpheus and Karen. Orpheus overdosed on love while Karen overdosed on her body image. Karen and Orpheus fell into an addiction of love for fame and dieting that strained the relationships of the ones they cared about most.Orpheus and Karen Carpenter are both rock stars with very similar lives; when fame and drugs that affected their lives both professionally and personally. Orpheus was a rock legend who lived for the spotlight and when he finally saw the reality of his life when his lover died, he realized his fame wasn’t the only thing to live for. In the story Vicissitudes of Orpheus, Breslin admitted, â€Å"But Eurydice can’t even think of refusing him, any more than the dumb beasts could; he will not be required to step out of his music and seek her; he sings and she comes unbidden to his s ide†(par. We will write a custom essay sample on Love and Fame A metaphoric Addiction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2). This quote shows the fantasy life Orpheus is living. He thinks because he is a rock star, everyone will love him because he is oblivious to his effect on others.He believed that being a rock star was his reality, that nothing in the world was more important than him and his music. Likewise, Karen Carpenter was the main vocals for the band, the Carpenters; but when she began to lose weight on a diet and use drugs, her life seemed to downfall on her. In the spotlight, Karen seemed confident and loved performing. But, as Randy Schmidt explained, â€Å"Offstage, she felt desperately unloved by her mother, Agnes, who favored Richard and struggled with low self-esteem, eventually developing anorexia nervosa from which she never recovered†(par. 3). She battled a health issue for most of her life starting after high school. It hurt her physically when she wasn’t able to perform. She started dieting young, and once she started, she wasn’t able to stop.In the article, â€Å"Karen Carpenters Tragic Story†, Schmidt wrote, â€Å"Karen’s quest to be thin seems to have begun innocently enough just after high school graduation when she started the Stillman water diet. Although she was never obese, she was what most would consider a chubby 17-year-old at 10st. 5lb†(par. 5). This quote shows that becoming thin was a drug to Karen. She dropped to 145 pounds. She continued to lose weight until people could see her ribs through her dress. She wanted to be perfect, and the only way she thought she could feel better about herself was by going on a diet. Once she started the diet, she couldn’t stop. It was an obsession, just like Orpheus’s obsession with being onstage and being loved by everyone. As a result, they both had unhealthy drugs they were dealing with. Orpheus had a drug for being loved and being onstage while Karen had a drug for being thin. Their drugs made them change dramatically, both professionally and personally. Karen had a harder time performing, and while on tour, when it was hard for her to balance her diet and performing. She was always tired because she didn’t have the energy to perform all night long. That was the obstacle that got in the way of the band, the Carpenters. Orpheus was so oblivious to everyone’s reaction to him and his music that he only saw the world as his stage to perform to his fans. He was so swept up in what he thought was reality, that the inattentiveness for being loved became his reality.Whoever saw them could tell that they were damaged emotionally. After being knee deep in their drugs, Orpheus and Karen Carpenter slowly began to realize the effects of their bad habits. In Vicissitudes of Orpheus, after Orpheus lost Eurydice, he began to realize the world isn’t the fantasy he imagined. He began to feel emotional and see the world how everyone else sees it†¦reality. Breslin declared, â€Å"He begins to understand the idea of limit, of walls between lover and beloved†(par.3). Orpheus saw the reality; the limits in his life that he never thought he had. He began to feel the emotions after he lost Eurydice as well. Orpheus had been so caught up in his music, that he never knew what it would be like to lose someone he cared about. But once Eurydice was gone, he realized how much she meant to him and only wanted to play music for her, he didn’t want to be in the spotlight anymore. In the same way, when Karen Carpenter started dieting and losing weight, her body saw the effects of the fact she was consuming less. She became more tired and couldn’t perform as well as before she started dieting. Schmidt noted, â€Å"By the autumn of 1975 Karen’s failing health could no longer be ignored. In addition to her skeletal appearance, she was mentally and physically exhausted†(par. 19). Karen saw the effects of her dieting use. It affected her performance on stage. She was not able to function as well because she was eating less, and couldn’t be as social because she got tired easier. In the end, the effect of these two rock stars using drugs was proven to be a very bad decision.Orpheus was so absentminded to who actually liked his music and who really cared about him. When Hades didn’t like his music, it made Orpheus realize the one person who truly loved him was Eurydice. But when she was taken from him, he was left with her â€Å"invisible presence†(par.8). As Breslin pointed out, Orpheus was â€Å"entirely withdrawn from himself, secreting a zone of impersonal music for anyone to walk through, even though the singer does not raise his eyes to acknowledge the passer-by†(par.8). He was so engrossed in himself, that once he realized what he’d really lost he never wanted to play music for anyone. Although he was prevented from seeing Eurydice, he only wanted to play music for her because he knew she was the only one who saw him as more than a rock star. Similarity, Karen’s dieting pushed her family away. When she was once close with her brother, once she started treatments, she lost all the support from her family. Schmidt wrote, â€Å"After the meeting with Levenkron, Richard became angry with the treatment plan, which he thought was worthless. He was upset that Karen had not checked herself into an impatient facility as one would do to conquer substance abuse. He and his parents returned to California and chose to keep their distance after this painful encounter†(par.44). It really put a strain on the relationship with her parents and her brother. Her relationship with her mother was already strained and this made the relationship worse. They refused to help her through this hard time; abandoning her in her time of need. Instead of supporting her, like Karen hoped, she lost her family; the ones that cared about her most. From that lack of support, instead of healing all wounds, it killed her spirit.In conclusion, love for fame and dieting really strained the relationships in Karen Carpenter and Orpheus’s lives. It was when they needed them most, that they disappeared. Then through all the pain and suffering from losing their loved ones, they lost all hope and felt they could not go on. in both these stories, love and fame were truly addictions.
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