Friday, November 29, 2019
The activities of Valley Grown Salads Essay Example
The activities of Valley Grown Salads Essay Valley grown salads aim to maintain their business, they have said, they would not like to expand their business at the present time. They thrive to produce high- quality fresh produce to the supermarkets; waitrose and Sainsbury. They aim to increase their goodwill and reputation for supplying the best. Valley Grown Salads are suppliers of high quality fresh produce from around the world to leading UK supermarket clients, including waitrose and Sainsbury.Valley grown salads only sell tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and aubergines. They are committed to enforcing high standards for their customers and their consumers, offering a reliable and flexible service that delivers the freshest products available. They grow from many different countries from around the world including Spain and Israel, in order to bring their customers the best quality product available for whole 12 month year.Valley grown salads grow their own vegetables and package them. Valley grown salads also maintain and operate company owned transport fleet this includes refrigerated lorries. Valley grown salads maintain 220,000 plants. Valley grown salads owns more than one little nursery: they own Valley Grown Salads -this is a 26,000 sq ft packaging facility and refrigerated storage and the pick up point for Lorries. We will write a custom essay sample on The activities of Valley Grown Salads specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The activities of Valley Grown Salads specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The activities of Valley Grown Salads specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They also own Valley Grown Nurseries This is a 10 acre glass house which grows 220,000 plants which is equipped with energy efficient thermal screens also, in this nursery they employ 10 staff on full time.They also own Nature Choice This business is in south east Spain which only grows peppers, cucumbers and aubergines, which has 600 acres of available growing area in this sector. This sector of VGS also has 16,000 m2 of warehouse packing space. In this location they employ 230 staff of this there are 3 quality control teams with full traceability systems. Valley Grown Salads are partners with Edom UK, in Israel this sector of VGS is based in Israel, they supply premium quality peppers for UK markets. In partnership with Valley Grown Salads packing operation with 7 Israeli growers. VGS packaging and transport: the product, peppers cucumbers, tomatoes or aubergines, are received into their pack house in Nazing, where it is placed in their glidestock racking to ensure perfect stock rotation.The desired product is stored there in their high humidity refrigeration area before production. The products are then graded, for example a small pepper would be downgraded because of its size, packed and distributed to customer depots. It is then assessed by auditors before it leaves. When an orders is placed, it can be distributed maximum twice daily by VGS transport fleet, this includes refrigerated Lorries, to ensure maximum freshness for the customer in store, Sainsbury or Waitrose. Because VGS have overseas plantations the lorry drivers carry hand-held blackberry PDA devices, these can assess traffic or weather conditions therefore it is useful to the driver.Will Chelsea need to expand or change in the future to follow their aims? At the moment Chelsea F.C are in full s wing. Critics and bookmakers predict that Chelsea F.C may have a chance of taking all the trophies this year. However as time goes by their team will need to change in order to maintain their winning streak. They will need to buy new players in order to keep their team sheet full of a class players, for example new players come from all over the world are making a name for themselves its up to the scouts from the club to make sure they asses the right players. Inevitably they will need to change the stadium to keep up with modern day fashion and to maintain the appeal of new players.The business like Chelsea F.C Mega store will need to change their products every month, for example the Chelsea kit will change, so they will need to display the new kit on time to keep up with the needs of the Chelsea F.C fans, also the Chelsea F.C game may also need to be adapted. In order to maintain steady profit the hotels in Chelsea village may need to be upgraded and redecorated in time to come.W ill VGS need to expand or change in the future to follow their aims? VGS have stated that they would not like to expand at the present moment; they are satisfied with the profit. Because VGS are the suppliers to Sainsburys and waitrose they made need to change if they get more demand for a particular product from the store. At the moment though, if they were to grow more vegetables they would gain a surplus of unused vegetables. Inevitably they will need to change their equipment used in the warehouses and in the glasshouses e.g. the packing machines, Lorries etc. If they were asked by Sainsbury or waitrose for more goods then they will need to expand, not only in Nazing, but also abroad. Also Sainsbury or waitrose may ask VGS for a new product in the past VGS only sold cucumbers and tomatoes, for example sweet corn.Functional areas of Chelsea Village Human Resources training, Recruitment and appraisal The main purpose of the human resource department is to find the right employee , the right amount of employees and at the right time, achieving this will fulfil the purpose of the human resource department Training is an important part of Chelsea F.C; Josà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Maurino pays out thousands to get his team trained and in form for the next match. Training is needed to train other staff as well, for example, the groundkeeper may need training for a new grass cutter. Another example is the burger bar employs a new cooker; he/she may need training to flip a burger etc.Recruiting staff is very costly and time consuming it is also an essential part of any business, especially in a business as large as Chelsea Village. Poor choices when recruiting may prove expensive. The company needs to be sure of the new employees technical capability. For example, if a new tour guide fails to turn up 3 days in a row, the company loses both time and money and they may be liable for a penalty charge because of the delay. Also the recruitment of new players is crucial in deciding the outcome of Chelsea F.C, because if they are paying 20 million pounds they will need to make sure that the player is perfect for the job.In a company as big as Chelsea village some form of report on employees is needed to make sure they are fulfilling their aims and objectives, therefore they use appraisal methods. Appraisal is the formal or informal process which an employee is able to discuss their training and development needs with an appraiser The actual football team may have an appraiser for every squad member, the appraisal department may be good for motivation because it provides the opportunity for employees to identify ways of meeting their work needs for example, Frank Lampard may be disappointed at the state of their gym, therefore he may request some new equipment.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Medical Billing and Coding Career Essays
Medical Billing and Coding Career Essays Medical Billing and Coding Career Paper Medical Billing and Coding Career Paper The ever evolving healthcare standards and toughening competition in the field open impressive opportunities for people interested in the field. Among the fast growing professions in healthcare is medical billing and coding. The increasing sophistication of medical records on hand puts serious requirements on individuals in this field, but also drives demand for their services. Medical billing and coding professionals work with numeric codes assigned to diseases and treatment procedures. These codes are then used to help hospitals, physicians, insurance companies, and other healthcare organizations organize information, track various patients, process reimbursements, and understand the patterns of various diseases. As the job involves working with highly important numeric information, mathematical literacy and high level of organization are important. Another significant aspect is the need to understand the importance of privacy of medical records. Basic computer skills, high typing speed and familiarity with medical terminology are essential. Communication skills are another requirement as billers and coders will often have to interact with either patients or other healthcare professionals. The job is usually performed in an office environment, with regular 40-hour weeks. Overtime is also possible, especially in insurance companies. The types of organizations that require the services of medical billers and coders include â€Å"large group practices, dental offices, pharmacies, nursing homes, medical care facilities and clinics, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and health data organizations†(Medical Billing and Coding Net 2007). Physicians and licensed practitioners can also use these services. Some billers and coders can work even from home, transmitting the results of their work over the Internet. As the profession is still in the growth stage, there is no standard educational path. A course in a community college or vocational school is common before joining the field. This can last one or two years. It is usual for students to â€Å"take classes in writing and interpersonal communication, computer skills and the conventions of the coding system itself†as part of their education (Allied Health Schools 2009). A more advanced understanding of biology, anatomy and health care field may be required for advancement in the field. The long-term employment outlook in the field remains strong. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the profession grows much faster than the average US job market (Allied Health Schools 2009). The trend is supposed to continue into 2014 and is driven by growing interest in combating fraud in claims, legal consequences of erroneous billing, and investigation of abuse. According to the career website Salary. com, â€Å"the middle 50 percent of medical billers and coders earn[ed] between $35,999 and $44,562†, as of November 2008 (Allied Health Schools 2009). As it is increasingly important to use a professional with a solid skill set, most employers will require their coders to obtain a certification such as one from the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). Once earned, the certification must be maintained through continuing education. It is usual for medical billing and coding professionals to join the local chapter of the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPA). Other useful professional associations include Alliance of Claims Assistance Professionals (ACAP), American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), American Association for Medical Transcription (AAMT), American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) and others. The promotional opportunities are broad. Medical coding and billing careers can lead to the position of directors of billing or coding or more general management of back-office operations in healthcare organizations.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Language of Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
The Language of Reality - Essay Example Beyond elementary semantic structures numerous sub-layers of meaning and communication exist to both enrich and complicate the way in which we interact and express our ideas and emotions. It is not what we say, but how we say it. The world of artificial intelligence and its struggle to embrace the complexities of everyday communication shows just how interdependent language, external cultural foces and the personal realm of experience can be. A simple de-coding or patterning of linguistic structures as we understand them is barely enough to compose the bare bones of the seemingly simple ways in which we communicate. The gap between intention and reception can create a crossfire of miscommunication - where meaning becomes alienated from form and the most intangible aspects of speech are cast into the spotlight. In the theoretical space between intention and reception - where communication can either prosper or become fragmented - lie determinants such as perception and recognition. We therefore largely depend upon these two elements to formulate successful interactions, and to form the fabric of what we perceive as reality - in the sense that we depend upon information to guide, instruct, elucidate and define the world around us. Sayre (1965, p. 177), examines the distinction between perception and recognition - and the roles they play in our understanding and interpretation of the world around us: "According to the theory outlined in Plato "Meno" and Phaedo, acquisition of knowledge is a matter of recollection or recognition. As someone comes to know that about which he has been ignorant, he "cognizes again" .... If I have never seen, been told about, read about or in some other way come to know about gooseberries, then upon seeing a gooseberry for the first time I scarcely could be said to recognize it. The next time I see a gooseberry I probably will recognize it, if not by name then at least as an object of the sort I had seen some time previously. But if the first time one perceives an object is the first time one has ever been cognitively aware of such an object, perforce at that time one does not recognize it. It is commonplace, on the other hand, that we perceive objects which we have never perceived before, nor learned about in any other way." In this understanding of recognition and perception, the act of recognition is, by definition, rooted in the realm of memory and past experience. Memory, it is generally accepted, tends towards subjectivity, embellishment and is often powerfully influenced by the emotions or mindset that were in force at the time when the incident occured. It follows that recognition is unreliable as an objective conduit for accurately conveying intended meaning - as it will always be influenced by a recipient's internalised framework of understanding. In this way, the eventual meaning conveyed by a piece of information is outside of the control of the speaker or communicator from the moment the idea leaves their immediate sphere and enters a communication channel - whether that channel be through the medium of speech, or through a technological pathway such as the internet. Once a piece of information is liberated from the person in possession of its intended meaning - it immediately falls prey to the co-authorship of social context and recipient subjectivity. Caught in a fragmented point of juncture between initial source, external influences and final perception and recognition - a message is defined and understood by a melange of often contradictory 'realities'1 which - by way of their very merger and interconnectedness -
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Additional pages payment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Additional pages payment - Essay Example The respondents composed of 20 Australians and 20 Indonesians differ in perception of this non verbal expression. Australians look at the person in the eyes when they talk with each other even when one or the other is angry. Indonesians, on the other hand, prefer not to look at the person directly in the eyes especially when they are angry because it looks like a challenge for a fight or argument and it is perceived as impolite. Slower tempo solicited diverse reactions from both sets of respondents. Australians do not see any special rationale for slower tempo while talking; while Indonesians slower their tempo when talking to give the impression of uncertainty. Liking posture garnered different responses. Australians acknowledged an open body and arms position, leaning forward relaxed posture and tone as exemplifying liking. On the other hand, Indonesians do not resort to any posture when they like someone. Indonesians count using the index finger as â€Å"1†. â€Å"2†on the middle finger and the thumb will be number â€Å"5†. On the other hand, Australians generally count using â€Å"1†on the thumb, â€Å"2†on the index finger, â€Å"3†on the middle finger, and finally the little finger will be number â€Å"5†. When asked about the topic on their perception of physical appearance in relation to socialization, Australians responded that they are attractive but do not care about socializing. On the other hand, Indonesians relayed that they are not attractive but are still socially oriented. The findings proffered interesting results on the abovementioned channels of nonverbal communication. The findings related to glance corroborated with previous research that Indonesians are aware that there exist hierarchy structures in their system thereby it is not normal for them to look at people directly in the eye even when talking to them. This could also be the reason for their acknowledgement of the use of a slower tempo when talking especially on topics they are
Monday, November 18, 2019
Compare and Contrat Paper on For-Profit and Traditional Colleges Essay
Compare and Contrat Paper on For-Profit and Traditional Colleges - Essay Example FPCUs, apart from providing education, are founded on profit making motives thus are run like businesses, charging fees to all students they enroll. The FPCUs emerged to address some of inadequacies facing the traditional universities and colleges due emerging trends in education and increased need for higher education. By 2007, in America, the FPCUs were educating over two million students each year, already having penetrated the minds of students and the community through extensive marketing campaigns and directional signs indicating their location (Hentschke et al 1). Currently, most of the societal segments are very empowered on the role of post secondary education in increasing chances for getting a job, increasing income and improving the standards of life thus more people would like to pursue postsecondary education increasing it demand. This situation is more of a business opportunity, which for profit enterprises are more likely to respond to unlike the public and private no nprofit entities (Hentschke et al 1). The for profit entities respond to these opportunities by offering college and university education in a business model environment run as corporations or individual businesses. These ventures are providing solution to nontraditional students by offering them training in specific roles in varied occupational fields having been previously not well served by the traditional colleges and universities. Reasons for emergence of FPCUs from traditional colleges and universities Several factors have fuelled emergence of FPCUs from traditional colleges and universities (TCUs) including: revenue pressure, academic reputation, Social Consciousness and Diversity, and management. Revenue pressure In America, the public support per student has stagnated while the real cost of providing college education per student continues to grow, pressurizing the institutions to raise revenue by increasing fees amount per student (Berg 16). Increased cost of education inc reases the number students in need of low cost education thus the TCUs are forced to make aggressive recruitment aimed at increasing revenue. With this strategy in place, the TCUs start embracing business ideas of marketing. In addition, the TCUs form alliances with private sector and businesses in order to generate enough revenues to sustain their programs, which make universities to put more efforts on efficiency and commercializing it activities. With commercialization efforts, profit eventually motives crop, leading to transformation to FPCUs. Academic reputation Maintaining and improving academic reputation is the ultimate goal of any academic institution. Efforts to maintain academic reputation are challenged by the changing demographics of the population served, competition, maintaining identity and fighting elitism (Berg 20). To maintain the reputation, institutions have to be more competitive by marketing themselves. This puts pressure on TCUs, forcing them to seek commerci al options, leading to emergence of profit motives and creating room for FPCUs. Social Consciousness and Diversity In offering college education, diversity leading to equal opportunity has always been a challenge with TCUs. This has been mainly due to traditional preoccupations with ethnic reflection in the student body and the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact ADHD and Autism on Education
Impact ADHD and Autism on Education How does ADHD and/or autism impact on the pupil, other pupils, teachers and the whole school? Introduction and Overview First, is to define ADHD and Autism: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that tampers with major parts of the brain that is related the control of a persons attention, activity and emotions which make them appear hyper or weird. ADHD can also be considered as the poor functioning and poor communication between different areas of the brain. Autism mainly appears during the first 3 years of the childs development and growth. Its in relation to routines and repetition of behaviors which range from mild to severe. It doesnt mean that autism is a damage or disease. Jaffe-Gill et al (2008) postulate that the symptoms of ADHD will show if the section of the brain which controls hyperactivity, is not fully developed or not coordinating well with the rest of the brain and therefore it is not that the child is not able to control his behavior. Autism is not purely a genetic disorder which cannot be treated but certain reactions on the genes which are indeed affected by the external environment al factors. Autism is treatable as the important part that should be understood is, if the reactions can be flipped on, they can be as well be flipped off. Secondly, ADHD and Autism affect children and the signs and symptoms expose themselves in many different forms. The three major areas which most of the symptoms are categorized in are; in attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It becomes clinical when the impulsiveness and hyperactivity go beyond the social norms. The child may have difficulty in paying attention, may be fidgety, gets easily distracted, may not be able to sit still, may have difficulty in doing homework, chores around the house, or may be disorganized. Consequently, the hyperactive-impulsive type AHDH symptoms include; being always ‘on the go, struggles to wait in line, always fidgeting or squirming, running or climbing in excess, Struggles to remain seated, Blurts out answer before hearing question, talks too much, Struggles with interrupting or intruding and lastly they cannot play quietly. The last of the AHDH types is the combined type. This is the common of the three and it is a combination of the inattentive type and the hyperactive-impulsive type. Before a parent or teacher gets to establish an AHDH case, they may feel that the child is acting out or seeking attention. Without medication or/and behavioural therapy a child struggles to control his or her behaviour. Other signs of ADHD are shown when the child gets so disruptive or fidgety in class that interferes with the teacher as she tries to teach the other students, the student blurt out answers in class, the student find sit hard to wait for his turn in the line, the child also becomes so hyperactive that he cannot sit through a session for instance, the church service or watching a movie. With autism the three core areas that are involved or show the signs of the disorder include; social-not socially interacting with the environment and just being by themselves, communication which is manifested by the age of 3 when a delay in speech is eminent, and repetitive movements or limited interest. Fact file on ADHD There are various facts about Autism and ADHD: On ADHD, it affects between 5 to 10% of the school going children and affects more boys than girls about 3 to 4 times more, another fact is that 50 to 60 % of the children will continue to experience the symptoms throughout to adulthood, the ones which need pediatric prescriptions are about 78%. Many cases of ADHD are reported worldwide, especially those that affect children below the age of 3 years (Fuller, 2008). This is the year that is said to be when Autism and ADHD manifest and begin to show up prominently. On Autism; 1 in every 150 children are diagnosed with autism while 1 in every 94 boys has the disorder. It is further evident that each day, about 67 children are diagnosed with the Autism disorder and a new case is reported every 20 minutes. In comparison to AIDS, diabetes, cancer, it is further true according to statistics that more children will be diagnosed with autism this shows that it is the most rapidly growing acute developmental disability in the U.S. boys are expected to have autism four times more. There is neither cure nor medical detection for autism. Since ADHD and Autism affect the school going children, and they spend at least eight hours everyday in school, the teachers and students are more likely to observe the change in behaviors in the students and hence a big impact will be felt within the school and its environment. This document will look at the impacts of autism on pupil, on other pupils, on teachers and on the whole school. Impact of Autism on Pupil Children with severe speech difficulties finding it difficult to communicate may become very frustrated. They may be reluctant to communicate or may refuse to do so at all. If required to communicate, they may show signs of intense stress or anxiety. The child may have low self esteem and may feel rejected by peers (and may in fact be rejected by some). In such circumstances, it may become difficult to recognize that. Without support, the child may develop behavioral, emotional and social difficulties. This appears to be supported by evidence of communication problems among population such as children in care and pupils in school. Because of their dependence on structure, major problems can arise for children with autism outside lesson times. Although breaks from lessons are designed to provide normal children with the opportunities they need to relax and to interact with their peers, for a child with autism such period can be extremely stressful, children who are able to behave quite acceptably when involved in guided and structured activities frequently appear much more ‘odd or unusual at times of free play. Stereotyped and ritualistic behaviors may become more apparent and exposure to teasing or bullying is much more of a risk, especially because staff supervision at such times is greatly reduced. Break times are designed to reduce the pressure from the children not increase and therefore by allowing the children with autism to go for the break will just increase the amount of pressure in them thus it would be good if they are not allowed to go but instead relax in class by themselves without any disturbance. School meals can be another source of difficulty and it is clear from personal accounts that having to tolerate the noise and smells of meals in a crowded school canteen can be almost akin to torture for individuals with autism. Been forced into close proximity with other students, or made to eat food of particular textures or mixed together on the plate (many individuals cannot bear separate items of food touching each other) can be extremely stressful. Clare Sainsbury writes: (the potential of making mistakes (and the anxiety caused by fear of making mistakes) is enormous. One of my most vivid memories of secondary schools is been hauled out of the lunch queue by one of the dinner ladies shouting angrily, and made to stand to one side; she refused to tell me why. Only after I had burst into tears was I allowed back†¦.nobody ever explained what I had done wrong†¦.and to this day I still have no idea.) A quiet corner in which to eat, being allowed to eat slightly earlier or later than other pupils, or being permitted to bring sandwiches are among the simple solutions that can transform a nightmare into a practicable tolerant activity. If the principal problem is lack of knowledge of what to do when the basic rules can be explained simply and discreetly- beforehand. Games and extracurricular lessons are also frequent causes of stress for pupils with autism, who may lack the motor coordination, the ability to follow rapid instructions or unwritten rules and the social reciprocity required in order to contribute to these activities in any useful way. Competitive sports are a particular problem and are probably best avoided altogether, both for the sake of the person with autism and the rest of the class. However, physical fitness can be improved by encouraging activities that improve body awareness and coordination such as yoga, swimming, golf, walking or gymnastics if sensitively taught. Impact of Autism on Other Pupils The impact of Autism on other pupils can be as a result of the reaction of the children affected by Autism (Autistics). Due to the hyperactivity, in them, the other pupils will develop fear in them as they will seem as a threat to them. For instance, if a child is the kind who throws things around when annoyed, will make his classmates scream, run away, there may be accidents in that a child can be hit by the furniture or the object thrown around. Autistics are also known to be bright and understand things so fast, besides their self esteem was lowered by other students, they can also lower other pupils self esteem in academics especially. This is so because the weaker ones will be teased by them and feel threatened instead. In many cases, if the teacher does not realize this early enough, she may have ea tendency of rushing through the syllabus since of the assumption that if one or two pupils have understood what is been taught, the rest will learn from them. For some children this lack of understanding may result in a refreshing acceptance of the child with autism for the person they are. However, some children may be fearful and this may result in ostracizing, bullying, or mocking the children with autism (Kinsley, 2008). These attitudes create a matrix of difficulties for the child with the disorder which exacerbates their already significant impairments in forming peer relationships. Impact of Autism on Teachers According to Folin and Lian (2008), a teachers attitude towards pupils with Autism is directly related to the knowledge and understanding of the condition. Consequently, there is a need to develop systems and means by which knowledge and understanding about Autism are share with other colleagues. Understandably, we are in competition with multitude of other demands on professionals and, therefore, need to promote information, in an accessible and manageable form which is tailored to the context they are working in. the depth of knowledge required might lie on a continuum from awareness to expertise by the role they perform. Colleagues whose only contact with pupils with autism is during break times or assemblies will need a different level of understanding to those colleagues who may share the same teaching space. Similarly, these colleagues needs will differ again from the people primarily responsible for the teaching of youngsters with Autism. Responding to this continuum of profe ssional development need, the training portfolio may include: Informal approaches, inset days, outreach, accredited courses, and resources. Each of these depends upon practitioners within the field promoting the cause of pupils with the disorder in a positive and proactive manner. Impact of Autism on the Whole School A major impact in the whole school would be loosing children due to parents transferring their children to other schools because of various reasons such bullying. There has been case from various schools of major bullying taking place within the school; educators and society are concerned about the violent attacks in the schools (Schultz, n.d.). It is imperative that there should be a school-wide bullying prevention programs. This program will be specially tailored to address all issues that come along with the ADHD and Autism pupils. Bullying is pervasive, in the schools and adults ought to be at the forefront in bullying. This is basically because a lot of pupils will lose out especially if they are bullied until it affects their academics. It is further recommended that the right academic modification as well as academic adaptation is incorporated into the school program. The law generally requires that every child should be provided with proper and a safe learning environment. Every school should thus have the facilities for special education of the children with Autism. Compliance to these standards should be ensured on a constant basis. Conclusion ADHD and Autism are disorders that affect parts of the brain. They are not purely genetic and can be controlled. Measures should be taken to create a good environment for both the children that need special attention and the other children and also the school environment. ADHD and Autism therefore affects the childrens ability to learn. This in itself means that there are various learning activities that the students with Autism will have to miss out on, thus impacting negatively on their performance in class. Whenever the class performance deeps, the schools overall performance will also dip in a similar fashion. To sum it up, the pupil with ADHD and Autism will learn slowly thus impeding their ability to keep up to pace with the rest. Their performance will also be negative with minimal or negative advancement. Similarly, the other pupils will find it difficult to be taught at the same pace as the pupil with ADHD and Autism (Sprinkle, 2004). When their learning is affected, they will have to also exhibit withdraw signs as well as lose interest in the subject being taught. On the other hand, the teachers will find it very strenuous so that they will develop an attitude that will affect their teaching patterns. Eventually this translates into poor school performance and loss of reputation as a result. Therefore, the school will suffer from adverse publicity from the critics. Likewise, the school will be compelled to expend large sums of money in setting up a unit specially meant for the ADHD and Autism pupils. References Folin, C., Lian, M.J. (2008). Reform, inclusion, and teacher education: towards a new era of special education in the Asia-Pacific region. New York: Routledge. Retrieved October 06, 2009 from Fuller, J. (2008). How to Use Behavior Modifications to Treat Childhood ADHD. eHow. Retrieved October 06, 2009 from Jaffe-Gill, E., Smith, M., Segal, R., Segal, J. (2008). Behavior Therapy for ADD/ADHD. Retrieved October 06, 2009 from Kinsley, R.S. (2008). What Is ADHD? Retrieved October 06, 2009 from Schultz, J.J. (n.d.). Behavior Modification Instead of Medication? Retrieved October 06, 2009 from Sprinkle, N. (2004). ADHD Behavior Therapy: Promoting Discipline Focus in Kids. Retrieved October 06, 2009 from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Casinos Essay -- essays research papers
Casinos Casinos have become a form of entertainment for millions of Americans. In fact, Las Vegas, considered to be the home of casino gambling, is third only to Disneyworld and New York for tourism with 260 million visitors yearly. While it is true that casinos generate billions of dollars in revenues hardly any of that makes it back to the local economy as promised by the lobbyists to have casinos built in a city. Effects on local economies include construction jobs are created as well as hospitality jobs within the casino. While it is true jobs are created though usually they go to people outside the communities. The lobbyists for these huge casino companies state that it will also revive a dying economy if they allow casino gambling in their cities. Contrary to this claim though, Atlantic City has the highest unemployment rate in New Jersey. They claim restaurants, movie theaters, and other local businesses will benefit when exactly the opposite is true. Who is going to eat a local resta urant when the casino is offering free meals and drinks to gamblers. By 1996, Atlantic City casinos were devoting 318 million dollars to promotional food and drinks. Also in Atlantic City, over 900 of the 2100 small businesses there closed and the number of local restaurants was reduced from 243 to 146. Richard Byron, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, describes gambling expenditures as Money Extracted From Other Consumer Spending. When casinos come into a small community such as Atlantic City or Biloxi the people living in that community start to go there for entertainment instead of movie theaters, restaurants and other places they used to go to before. In 1994, more people went to the casinos than went to major league baseball parks and more money was spent on casinos than books, albums, and theme parks. It also affects real estate values, in Atlantic city the average cost of a house dropped 24,000.00 after the casinos were built and 11,000.00 for cities close to At lantic City. The reason for this may be because of increasing crime rates. The casinos would have everyone believe there is no change in crime statistics after they come in but this is not true. The American Insurance Institute estimates that 40% of all white collar crimes have their roots in gambling. Compulsive gamblers will bet until they have nothing left: savings, family assets, person... ...age wage and exceed average wages of several other industries. Furthermore the casino gaming industry creates additional jobs in the number of domestic supplier businesses. But at what price? The state and local governments lose on this deal. Compulsive gamblers cost the state an enormous amount of money each year, and with the number of problem gamblers growing with the casinos this is a problem that will not go away. The illegal gaming market is so enormous that its profits each year, surpass that of the top 100 American corporations combining. This includes IBM, all the automotive industries, and many more. The gambling industry makes a lot of promises it knows will not be fulfilled. But, once the revenues are tasted by the local governments they can never turn back. The casinos have lobbyists in Washington as well as local levels. It’s not like the old days of bookies and craps houses, now it’s huge business. The owners of the casinos are the same owners of movi e companies as well as amusement parks, they are all just forms of entertainment to them. If people could learn to play responsibly then there really wouldn’t be much harm but when you NEED to win you have already lost.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Evolution of Art
Stacie Mueller Art 100 Professor Morris 24 February 2012 The Evolution of Art To even begin to define art, we must have a starting point in history where something was first perceived as art. The question begs, though, why do we perceive it as art? To look up the word in a dictionary, you will find the term aesthetics almost always applied to its definition; however, much of we call art today is not exactly pleasing to the eye. Our shifting social attitudes have affected how art has been presented to us over time. We see depictions of hate, of war, of death, and many other forms of sorrow and horror.Moreover, we must consider how technology and modern conveniences have allowed a greater realm in the world of art: Photography and Photoshop programs, computer generated graphics, and applications for use with tablets and smart phones that allow us to modify images in an infinite number of ways. Loosely defined, the word art seems to be applied to almost anything: The written word, photo graphy, performance arts, computer graphics, commercial art, fashion, culinary, comics, and so on. For purposes of this research paper, however, the focus will be on the more concrete forms of art that we’ve come to know throughout history.The definition of art has certainly shifted and changed over time and across cultures; in this research paper we will explore how art has evolved. Art is many things to one person, and certainly carries different meanings for another person. However, anything and everything cannot be art or it would be difficult to appreciate art’s true essence; the quality that brings forth contemplation and deliberation. Besides creativity, art takes deep thought, imagination, and accomplishes a specific goal. Artists help us see things that matter and give us a different perspective with a specific goal in mind.The earliest art was discovered on cave walls in Lascaux, France. Paintings on the walls included large numbers of animals in various acti vities, as well as humans. In Art: A New History, Paul Johnson shows us the ingenuity of early artists: Pestles and mortars were found at Lascaux, with the discovery of â€Å"no less than 158 different mineral fragments from which the mixtures were made†(9). Techniques of these early artists included engraving with flakes of sharp flint, spraying paint, and the use of stencils.The use of colors, binding agents and tools to get the material to the walls such as brushes, and blow tools, is remarkable for the time period. It appears that the purpose of the cave paintings was to tell a story; as if the artists were attempting to make a connection with the animals they hunted and also feared (Getlein, 5). In the years since, many things have occurred in history affording great influence on art. The introduction of Christianity into the Roman Empire created a dynamic, cultural shift over religious beliefs (Getlein, 345).Realism, which centered around depictions of everyday life, w as seen in art during that period of time. As the Roman Empire shifted into the Byzantine Empire in the early Middle Ages, Emperor Constantine ruled that Christianity was to become the state religion. Hence, Byzantium art glorified Christianity in attempt to express its mystery. The subject matter became primarily religious and imperial, moving away from realism, while showing a more compressed, abstract style. Rather than depicting images of ordinary daily life, artists created more complex scenes that represented spiritual and heavenly splendor.Mosaic was a favored technique of Byzantium artists: An example of this is the mosaic depicting Christ as Pantokrator in the Santa Maria la Nuova (Getlein, 350). During the early Middle Ages we saw emotions in art shift back to realism in Carolingian art. When the emperor Charlemagne was crowned king in 800, uniting Christianity with Roman beliefs, chapels were designed to rival Roman and Byzantine architecture. The Chapel of Charlemagne is a mighty example of Carolingian art: Massive stone structure with an octagonal plan, mosaic decoration, and an interior framed by massive arches (Getlein, 15. 13).Some competition with Byzantium may also be implicit in Charlemagne's promotion of figural painting and carving, for he embraced and encouraged representational art at precisely the time when Byzantine rulers were renouncing images in favor of iconoclasm. The Romanesque period (1050 to 1200) gave us the proliferation of churches with thick stone walls, round arches and barrel vaulted stone ceilings. One such example is Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy (Getlein, 15. 14). Evolving from Romanesque style, Gothic art is more ornate. Churches are characterized by soaring interiors and large stained-glass windows.The Chartres Chapel exemplifies Gothic art in its flying buttresses and ornate towers (Getlein, 15. 18). During the late Middle ages, art became an even more powerful means of storytelling. This was a common device of religio us art of the Middle ages, for example in the frescoes by Giotto from the Church of San Francesco de Assisi, where sequences of panels were used to tell stories from the Scriptures or lives of saints (Getlein, 15. 26). The definition of art continues to change as we cross continents. The symbolism in African art, for example, was quite strong.The use of masks was one of the most interesting parts of their everyday life. Masks were meant to be kept in motion, as Getlein explains, because they represent â€Å"the head or face of a spirit being that has appeared in the community†(420). The nowo mask was used to represent the guiding spirit of Bondo, a women’s organization that regulates female affairs. Bondo is an initiation that prepares young girls for womanhood. An important feature of the nowo mask is the rings around its base; they are meant to represent a chrysalis, as girls emerge as women at the conclusion of Bondo (Getlein, 420).In more modern times we’ve seen various forms of â€Å"isms†: Impressionism, Expressionism, Naturalism, Realism, Modernism, and Surrealism – to name a few. Impressionist painting was perceived as working from outer appearances. Expressionistic artists intended to show a more inner dialogue, particularly with their use of color. The objective attention to appearances places Impressionism within the context Naturalism. While Naturalism and Realism are terms which are used interchangeably, the Naturalist is more impressed by the surface of things, such as the textures of fabric, the play of light, or the sheen of gold.The Realist tends to probe deeper into appearances, seeking the essence. Twentieth century Modernism is a reaction to Naturalism. Trevor Pateman describes Modernism as that which â€Å"can be defined as being concerned with the inner, or subjective, at the expense of the outer, or objective†(Pateman). The modernist viewed art as an agent of social change and even helped shape many political movements. The Surrealist movement sought techniques which would permit essence to break through the illusions of appearance, emphasizing imagery from dreams and fantasy.In this, Surrealists sought to act like Realists of the inner rather than the outer world. In all of these â€Å"isms,†however, there is a certain common ground: a focus on people, nature scenes, and everyday items. We can see that art has gone through many evolutions, but even though the technology of today has created more mediums for the creation of art, I wouldn’t say it has been transformed. Art, it seems, has forever been intended to speak the language of the unconscious mind. The human condition, nature, and events continue to capture the attention of artists. Works Cited Clowney, David. Definitions Of Art And Fine Art's Historical Origins. †Journal Of Aesthetics & Art Criticism 69. 3 (2011): 309-320. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Getlein, Mark. Living With Art. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print. Johnson, Paul. â€Å"Painted Caves and Giant Stones. †Art: A New History. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. 7-16. Print. Keizer, Joost. â€Å"Michelangelo, Drawing, And The Subject Of Art. †Art Bulletin 93. 3 (2011): 304-324. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Pateman, Trevor. â€Å"Isms: Expressionism, Impressionism, Naturalism, Realism, Surrealism. †Selectedworks. co. uk. N. p. , 2005. Web. 2 Mar. 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Korean business culture Essay Example
Korean business culture Essay Example Korean business culture Essay Korean business culture Essay HI, I am Rocco. Today I am here to explain one of the problems that discovered in the Accounting case. After having the research through internet and some printed document. I have identified a problem which is most of the Korean believe the authority so much. So in this case, the company strongly believes the government policies and doesnt refuse the policies. The first reason is that base on the past experience; the government indeed could lead the company or even the whole country to success in economic aspect. One of the examples is that the government successfully led the country get out of darkness of financial tsunami in 1997. The government lowered the target of economic growth and made a structural reform in financial sector. After these policies are carried, the economic growth rate in 1999 and 2000 are 11% and 9 % respectively. And for the unemployment rate, it decreased from 6. 8% to 4. 1% from 1999 to 2001. Moreover, due to the structural reformation of the financial sector, the credit rating of South Korea got A grade again. The total erect investment is 56. Billion US dollars during 1998 and 2002, which is 1. 3 times more than that from 1962 to 1997. The drastic increase in foreign investment was another positive signal of successful reformation. This shows that the government can actually implement some policies to recover the economy. Thats the reason why some managers or companies trust government so much. Another reason is that the culture of Confucianism is said to have bee n compatible with industrialization because it valued stability, hard work, and loyalty and respect awards authority figures. Traditional Korean shows respect to the authority. So even the authority made a wrong decision, Korean seldom point out their mistake. Korean also hate being shamed by others. Even if they really want to point out some mistake of the authority, they will not talk to the managers of authority in front of a group of staff. Unlike some companies in open-minded country, they can talk to the manager directly. Moreover, the image of Korean is very important to them. In their daily life, hey like having luxuries to show they are rich. The traditional values of Korea make the Korean obeying the orders and caring about the images. Thats one of the reasons why managers will follow the government rules. The living style and culture of Korea are unique and we are difficult to change it because it existed for hundreds of years. If we want to work in Korea in the future, we can only adapt their culture and avoid violating the rules in other countries. Korean business culture By Winooski
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Gay Marriage
On television last night, Rosie O’Donnell, the popular comedian and former talk show host was talking about her recent marriage to another woman. The pair had traveled to San Francisco, CA where the mayor, Gavin Newsom had legalized same sex marriages, and got married in a city court. A few days later the court was ordered to stop issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples by the United States government. The subject of same sex marriage is a very controversial topic in the United States. Same sex marriage has be legalized in some states and banned in others. It is a topic that has passionate supporters and as passionate protesters. This topic is so controversial that the Senate voted July 14, 2004 to block the White House-backed Federal Marriage. The vote was 48-50, 12 short of the 60 needed to keep the measure alive. Six Republicans joined dozens of Democrats in dissent. Dissenters claimed that the regulation of marriage should be left to the states (Resources, 2004). The defeat of the Federal Marriage Amendment was a huge victory for gay rights advocates that assert that marriage is a right, which should not be limited to opposite-sex, couples. In the United States, activists of equal marriage rights for same-sex couples point out that there are over 1000 federal rights and benefits denied same-sex couples by excluding them from participating in marriage. A legal denial of rights or benefits afforded to others, they say, directly contradicts the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, which provides for equal protection and substantive due process under the law, meaning that rights conferred to one group cannot be denied to another (Resources, 2004). In the 2003 case before the Supreme Court titled Lawrence v. Texas, the court held that intimate consensual sexual conduct was part of the liberty protected by substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment (Bidstrup, 2004). Many proponents of same-sex marriage hav... Free Essays on Gay Marriage Free Essays on Gay Marriage Would legalization of gay marriage be good for the gay community?†Sam Isaacson wrote an article analyzing the opinion of the gay community on legalizing same sex marriages. It is somewhat of a controversial issue with the gay community whether or not marriage is a good thing. He divides the community into two groups: integrationists and liberationists. The controversy is caused because of these two different philosophical views. The integrationists want to be as normal as can be. They want to â€Å"integrate†themselves into society. On the other hand, the liberationists cherish their gay culture with their own customs and values. The integrationists want gay marriage and the liberationists object to same sex marriage. Isaacson’s belief is to consider the objections of the liberationists. However, he believes that legalization of marriage would benefit gays and society. The liberationists do not care for being part of the â€Å"normal†society. They believ e marriage would take away from their way of living and would show that marriage is the right way to live. Isaacson states, â€Å"We not only abandon the sexual minorities of our community, we strengthen society’s narrow notion of what is â€Å"normal†and thereby further confine both straights and gays.†Liberationists do not want to lose the unique characteristics of gay culture. Some gay writers have said, â€Å"Gays have been forced to create different forms of relationships that often allow for a greater and often more fulfilling range of life experiences.†Gays are more likely to stay friends with their ex-girlfriends/boyfriends and they form very close relationships without becoming romantically involved. The communication in their relationships is better than most straight couples. The liberationists think that marriage â€Å"limits and normalizes personal freedom. They do not want to be faced with the social pressures of marriage and their cultu re is forgotten. Isaacson agrees ... Free Essays on Gay Marriage The American Family; Redefined Currently, the United States military is engaged in a war with the country of Iraq. As stated by United Stated president George W. Bush, the primary purpose of this war is to liberate the citizens of Iraq. With this liberation according to, Bush, the U.S. hopes to provide and form this nation into a democratic one, in which individuals are privileged with the freedoms of choice and equal rights. The irony and subsequent resulting scrutiny by anti-war groups stems from the fact that such liberties do not apply to certain individuals, right here in America. Among those deprived individuals are homosexual couples who desire to start a family. Presently in America it is extremely difficult for gay and lesbian couples to marry or have children, either through surrogate mother means, arranged natural means or even adoption. Thus, their equal and civil rights are stripped and so-called equality made non-existent. The Constitution declares that we are a nation that takes pride in liber ty and justice for all, not just the fortunate few. For this reason, homosexuals in all the states of the United States should be able to get married and freely become parents. They should have the same rights that are afforded to what the Constitution mandated: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. In order for this change to come about, the socially constructed definitions of the words ‘marriage’ and ‘family’ need not only be redefined but reestablished and readily understood by the masses. Currently marriage is defined as a contract between woman and man (Badian 364). Further, in most spectrums of society a family is cons... Free Essays on Gay Marriage On television last night, Rosie O’Donnell, the popular comedian and former talk show host was talking about her recent marriage to another woman. The pair had traveled to San Francisco, CA where the mayor, Gavin Newsom had legalized same sex marriages, and got married in a city court. A few days later the court was ordered to stop issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples by the United States government. The subject of same sex marriage is a very controversial topic in the United States. Same sex marriage has be legalized in some states and banned in others. It is a topic that has passionate supporters and as passionate protesters. This topic is so controversial that the Senate voted July 14, 2004 to block the White House-backed Federal Marriage. The vote was 48-50, 12 short of the 60 needed to keep the measure alive. Six Republicans joined dozens of Democrats in dissent. Dissenters claimed that the regulation of marriage should be left to the states (Resources, 2004). The defeat of the Federal Marriage Amendment was a huge victory for gay rights advocates that assert that marriage is a right, which should not be limited to opposite-sex, couples. In the United States, activists of equal marriage rights for same-sex couples point out that there are over 1000 federal rights and benefits denied same-sex couples by excluding them from participating in marriage. A legal denial of rights or benefits afforded to others, they say, directly contradicts the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, which provides for equal protection and substantive due process under the law, meaning that rights conferred to one group cannot be denied to another (Resources, 2004). In the 2003 case before the Supreme Court titled Lawrence v. Texas, the court held that intimate consensual sexual conduct was part of the liberty protected by substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment (Bidstrup, 2004). Many proponents of same-sex marriage hav... Free Essays on Gay Marriage Recently, the local radio station has been airing some commercials to get people thinking. These commercials are of an African-American man in modern day society who is unequally separated from white people. In one commercial he is told to sit at the back of an airplane, in another he is told to use a separate facility for colored people at his work. By the end of the commercials the question is asked â€Å"what would today be like if Martin Luther King never had a dream?†These commercials are played so that we can see what positive change has been made. We look back on how we treated people and we are disgusted with our own behavior yet putting a ban on same sex marriages is the same concept. Not allowing gay or lesbian couples to marry is an example of modern day suffrage in the gay community. Homosexuals have the right to speak freely, bear arms, and have privacy yet under law they are separated from the general population because they do not have the right to wed and be family. Twenty years from now society will look back and ask themselves what authority did we have to grant rights on the basis of preference. It is unconstitutional, here in America, to disperse rights on the basis of gender. This ban on same sex marriages has defied what our founding fathers based this country on. Further more, this ban will not hold up due to the full faith and credit law. In a nutshell it says that if a marriages is valid in one state, then its valid in the remaining forty nine states. This law is in effect because currently there are thirteen states that allow Same sex marriages. Homosexuals are often viewed as Unclean, Obsessed with sex, and having STDs. People often view them in that perspective because the relation shipside is hard to see. If a couple is not married but still being intimate it is more likely they will be seen as â€Å"lovers†rather than a â€Å"loving couple†. Same sex couples are also looked at as ... Free Essays on Gay Marriage Should homosexual marriages be legally recognized? On June 10, 2003, the first same-sex marriage ceremony in North America took place in Ontario, Canada. This was a huge step for homosexual equality and unity, but according to the Christian/political right, it creates a dwindling grip on the importance of a heterosexual relationship. Marriage is a union unlike any other in the history of our world, and homosexuality is one of the most troublesome issues today. Therefore, the two intertwined create an uproar concerning America’s advancement to same-sex legalization. The controversy surrounding homosexual marriage includes many common misconceptions concerning one’s rite to marriage. The public’s main arguments in opposition concerning legalization: destroying the significance of a marriage’s unique institution and procreation, the anti-religious foundation gay marriages exemplify, and the public’s views of homosexuality to be Sodomy. Legalization is undoubtedly worried, scared and/or angry that per mission could ruin our country. This country will be able to one day, over come its fears and adjust to this very unique change. Before the argument of gay marriage is discussed, one cannot elude from the public’s judgment of marriage and homosexuality. Andrew Sullivan, respected scholar, states in Same-Sex Marriage: Pro and Con that, â€Å"Marriage is alternately praised and derided as a lynchpin of a procreation, love, power, economics, convenience, morality and civil rights. Homosexuality generally evokes opposing judgments: It is seen as a perversion; a source of identity, love, and desire; a freely chosen lifestyle, a fabricated personality, a revolution against the status quo†(Sullivan xix). Homosexuals are aware of the long-standing argument against same-sex marriage. Many heterosexuals believe that â€Å"a partnership between two people of the same gender is not the same, and certainly not equal, to a state sanction...
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Z Notation Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Z Notation - Math Problem Example COUNTER The precondition increments the value of count by one every time a value is added. The precondition indicates that the limit does not change. The precondition indicates that the number of items added cannot exceed 256, which is the limit. If the item to be added in the sequence already exists, the item should not be added to the list. The schema ALREADYADDED helps to control this. ALREADY ADDED The precondition tests if the item to be added already exists in the given sequence. If the value exists , then the system returns a value (ALREADY_ADDED) If the value is already in the sequence the resulting sequence does not change, this precondition is given by The function INFORM: is given by: Combining the three schemas gives the general expression for pushing the item onto the stack. PUSH_ITEM The item (i) becomes a subset of the ITEM The resulting count + 1 must be less than the limit value The limit value does not change The sign depicts change of state If the sequence has the item identical to one being input then, the system displays 'ALREADY_ADDED' (2)POPPING THE ITEM FROM THE STACK The schema for displaying an item isDISPLAY_ITEM For the item to be displayed it must be contained in the sequence The function takes the name of the requested item and finds it and displays all information about the given ITEM. There is no change in state of the system, this is illustrated by the symbol To prevent displaying an item not in the sequence, the system should return a NOT_FOUND result, the expression is given by; NOT_...Each piece can then be described informally with a commentary. The Z schemes describe the dynamic and static aspects of a system. The static aspect of a system includes the states the system can occupy and the relationship maintained when the system transits from state to state. The dynamic aspects include the operation that are possible, the changes that occur and the input - output relationship. (1) The list of persons name and corresponding salaries (can be used by a company to store data of the employees working in that company and also store the salaries of these people.) the reasons for using this type of data are Several people using one name may earn the same salary, the system can be coded to display number of people earning the same salary, this means that the tests data type can be subjected to various operations. To test for rotation a number (i) and the square of the number (i2) can be used. The test data comprise of different numbers and their squares, these numbers form a sequence. The elements can be arranged so that the top most elements are the first members of the given sequence and the last element is greatest number in that list. On rotating left the greatest number and its square becomes the first element of the set.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Mount Everest 1996 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mount Everest 1996 - Case Study Example cted as guide to the expedition process were incompetent having only participated in climbing of other mountains that did not offer similar challenges to Mount Everest. Despite the fact that most guides to Mount Everest were local recruits, it is very clear that there was no formal corporate and association that offered guidance on how the expedition could be carried out. To add more to obstacles, the two leaders went ahead and hired professional climbers such as Frank Fischbeck, and Doug Hansen were not locals lacked proper authority to facilitate adequate form of assistance in case of any need for concern (Roberto, 2002). The above assessment embraces negligence on the part of management and leadership experience. For instance, at the beginning of the expedition, Hall unsuccessfully failed to engage Jon Krakauer, a journalist with prentice magazine to help him mutually advertise to popularize his firm. The above is an indication that Hall had insufficient value for the business because a good manager can go to any extent to make any expenditure with anticipatory of high returns in the future. Based on NBC report and other local dailies in Nepal, there were several managerial issues that led to the failure of Mount Everest expedition process. Firstly, after numerous attempts without success, Fischer, one of the mountain climbers recruited Pitman, a New York socialite through a process that was perceived plum by some of his colleagues because the process did not take place through adequate consultation and pitman lacked adequate skills of adding impact to the organization (Roberto, 2002). Secondly, ano ther team guided by Fischer consisted of misguided arrangements. For instance, Fischer incorporated his friend Dale, who had a persistent problem of high altitude sickness that was seen as a betrayal towards the success of the group. Besides, the above group also included a Scandinavian of female gender Gammelgaard, who attempted and reach the summit, but such
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